Author Archive: Editor

Bylaws Change Motion

It is moved that the Bylaws of Edmonds Post 8870, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, be amended as follows:

Article III, Meetings
Section 1 Place: The regular meeting place of this Post shall be at the Edmonds American Legion Hall Post 66, 117 6th Ave S, Edmonds WA 98020.
Section 2 Time: The stated meetings of the Post shall be on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, to be called to order at 6:00 PM.

Article VII, Control of Subsidiary Units
Section 4: For the purposes of this Article, the Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Military Order of the Cooties and its Auxiliary are governed by Article XI and XII respectively of the National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their respective By-Laws, Rules and Regulations.

These By-Laws will be adopted subject to the approval of the Commander-In-Chief and the Commander of the Department of Washington, Veterans of Foreign WArs of the United States on this 10th day of November, 2015, at ta regular meeting of this Post in the City of edmonds and County of Snohomish, State of Washington.

Edmonds 9/11 Memorial Park


Edmonds firefighters dedicated the Edmonds 9/11 Memorial Park on Friday, Sept. 11, 2015.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a one-ton steel I-beam recovered from the World Trade Center in New York City — Ground Zero for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Also included in the structure are new stainless steel and glass structures to honor the nearly 3,000 people killed during the terrorist attack, including 434 firefighters and 60 police officers. The memorial retains the existing Fallen Firefighter Sculpture, honoring local firefighters that have died in the line of duty as well as the Fallen Firefighter Flagpole which flies at half-staff for three days for each firefighter killed in the line of duty across America.

VFW Post 8870 Annual Christmas Party

NL1115_Christmas_PartyThe Post’s Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 5 at 12:00 Noon, and lunch will be served at 1:00 PM. The annual pot-luck event will be held at the American Legion Hall in Edmonds. The American Legion and VFW Posts will supply turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, wine, beer, soft drinks, and coffee/tea. Families attending are asked to bring a dish that will be shared with others. We need side dishes, salads, rolls/bread, and desserts. Additionally, the “cost of admission” will be non-perishable food item(s) and/or unwrapped toys or new clothing items suitable for teenagers. Food donations will be given to the Edmonds Food Bank and the toys/clothes will be donated to Holly House. Members who plan on attending the party are asked to RSVP with Fred Apgar, providing him with your total number of guests and the pot-luck dish you will provide. You can contact Fred by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (206-940-7502). Family members and friends are invited to attend the party. We all look forward to the fellowship.


The ever popular Christmas Party Raffle!

Once again, a feature of the Christmas party will be our big raffle, so bring plenty of cash for raffle tickets.

NL1115_Christmas_gift2This year Post 8870’s Auxiliary is supplying some special items for the raffle, (shown at right) including a Seahawks blanket, “A Tower of Goodies”, Tea Basket, and two posters donated bt Mike Reagan.

There will be much more for members and guests to try for. Always a fun part of the event!


“The Spaulding Special” Helps Fund Freedom Scholarships


Dorothy Harkness presents a check to Commander Blossey at the September meeting of Post 8870

A few years ago a group of service minded women (including Dorothy Harkness) was looking for a way to generate money to help support Stevens Hospital. This was prior to the merger with Swedish Hospital.

They enjoyed skiing and came up with the idea of providing regular midweek bus service to Stevens Pass. They called it The Spaulding Special. The bus service picked up passengers at four convenient locations for the round trip.

However, when Stevens was acquired by Swedish, the hospital authority didn’t want independent groups getting into the donor business and so the Spaulding Special went looking for other worthwhile causes. Post 8870 became a fortunate recipient and in 2014 the Spaulding Special donated $4,000 to our Freedom Scholarship program. Naturally, the amount of any year’s donation is dependent on the snow pack.

This year’s donation of more that $1,000 reflects that variable.

Some of these women are getting older and we don’t know how long the Spaulding girls will continue with the program (or if global warming will make the decision for them).

More information can be obtained be calling Dorothy Harkness at 425-778-3798, or Eleanor Schulz at 425-774-1782.

9/11 Observance at Naval Station Everett


Post 8870 Senior Vice Commander Terry Crabtree spoke to an assemblage of the Chief Petty Officers Association with a moving presentation drawn from his post 9/11 experience in the clean up at Ground Zero in New York City.

Also speaking was Captain Mark Lakamp, USN, Commanding Officer, Naval Station Everett, seated at Crabtree’s left in this photo. (An unidentified Navy Petty Officer stands behind Terry at the podium.)

Veteran Volunteers Needed

An opportunity to inspire young people 

Veteran’s Day is officially Wednesday, November 11. During the days leading up to that week many of the schools in our service area will have special programs honoring veterans and educating the students about service and sacrifice.

By the time you read this, we will have sent letters to all the schools offering to provide one or more veterans to come to any school requesting them. Some will be asked to speak before an assembly, others to visit a small class, and some to simply be present while the young people honor us and show their appreciation.

At our Post meeting on October 13 those in attendance will be given the opportunity to volunteer to visit these schools. Those who have done so in the past always come away moved and grateful for the remarkable young students and the teachers inspiring them.

If you are unable to be at the October meeting and you would like to sign up, you can do so by emailing Commander Blossey at [email protected].

Christmas Party Slated, Save the Date!

Planning is underway for a combined VFW/American Legion Christmas Party on Saturday, December 5. Traditional holiday fare will be served and an auction of donated holiday items will be held as a means of defraying the cost of the event.Bring the family and expect a good time!

Watch for further details on start time and logistics in your November newsletter and at the November Post meeting.

News from National: More than 11 Decades Later, VFW Remains Veterans’ Best Advocate

logoVFWs Strength Extends Far beyond Advocacy

On September 29, 1899, thirteen men – all Spanish-American War veterans – gathered at a small tailor shop in the heart of Columbus, Ohio, to discuss the issues plaguing returning veterans. The men shared personal accounts of what was then, the most popular war in America’s history, but more importantly discussed what they could do for their brothers-in-arms and for the dependents of their fallen comrades.

Banding together, these men created a veterans organization that would outlast themselves, and survive as long as Americans put on uniforms to defend our country.

Their resolve to promote and defend the general welfare of all those who have borne the brunt of battle ultimately laid the groundwork for the multifaceted organization that is the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (VFW) today.