Newsletter Articles

Where are our Sisters?

Looking over our newsletter email list, we are reminded that among the members we do not often see at our monthly post meetings are most of our female members!

Our sisters have all qualified for their membership with the same service requirements as their brothers and are entitled to participate fully. We want all of our comrades to join our meetings and activities and have no doubt that the women among us have much to contribute to our efforts to recognize and support all veterans.

Post meetings are being held regularly on the third Wednesday of each month. Other activities are announced in the monthly newsletter and via email from the Commander.

We would love to see all of you next month and every month!

Announcing a new Dept. of Washington ‘Scout of the Year’ Award

The Department of Washington Veterans of Foreign Wars, at their 2021 State Convention, instituted a new Washington State Scout of the Year Award to recognize and honor any Scout in any Scouting Program of any rank and any age in Washington State.

History: For many years, the VFW has sponsored an annual financial scholarship award which any Scout, in the Boy Scouting program who has achieved the Eagle Award or the Quartermaster Award or the Venture Summit Award or Girl Scout who has achieved the Gold Award may apply. The Scout applies to their local VFW Post, which passes their single candidate on to the next organizational level, the district level. Each District passes a single candidate on to State level. The State winner is sent on for National VFW selection by May 1. The National VFW is continuing the program without the financial scholarship. Washington State winners will continue to receive; 1st Place $500, 2nd Place $300, and 3rd Place $200.

District 1 Recruiting Event Slated at Evergreen State Fair

(Repeating item first reported in July)

District 1 Recruiting Event Slated at Evergreen State Fair

For the second year in a row, VFW District 1 will be holding a recruiting drive at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. Beginning on August 24 and running until September 4, District 1 Post members will have the opportunity to recruit new Comrades at the fair.

There are four available slots each day; 10 AM to 3:30 pm, 3:30 to 9 PM with a 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM shift to augment the busiest part of the day. Members can also sign up for a float shift to help cover the busy time and still be flexible.
Each Post should plan to have members participate. you can sign up for a shift at this signup genius link:

News from VFW National

Action Alert: Support Major Richard Star Act Amendment

Tell your Senator to support adoption of the Major Richard Star Act NDAA amendment

Jul 19, 2023


Reform to military retirement pay and disability compensation policy is long overdue. Many of our nation’s combat-disabled veterans are prohibited by Congress from receiving their full earned Department of Defense retirement pay and Department of Veterans Affairs service-connected disability compensation.

Over 50,000 retirees with combat-related disabilities must forfeit every dollar of retirement pay for every dollar they receive in disability compensation. o veteran should have to choose between two fundamentally different benefits that they earned for two entirely different reasons. This offset must be eliminated. Our combat veterans have already sacrificed enough.

Edmonds Kind of 4th Parade – 2023

As we have done for many years, Edmonds veterans of VFW Post 8870 and American Legion Post 66 led off the annual 4th of July parade, which has been produced by the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce for over a century. Veterans able to do so walked the approximately 1-1/2 mile parade route and a few others rode in vehicles provided.

The parade was followed by our traditional barbecue at the Legion Hall, where the parade participants were joined by other family members and friends, to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers and sides. Despite the reputation of our Pacific Northwest climate, the weather was sunny and warm, as we have come to expect for Independence Day in recent years.

Mike Reagan was honored by the local Kiwanis Club as the Citizen of the Year, for his long standing and continuing efforts to recognize our Fallen Heroes by creating hand sketched portraits for their families. Reagan has produced something in excess of 8, 000 such portraits since his “retirement”. Congratulations Mike!

Coming down Fifth A venue, parade participants encountered the first of two veteran (in both senses of the word) announcers in the person of Past 8870 Commander Jim Blossey, pictured here. Jim and his announcing partner on Main Street, Past Commander Mike Denton, have performed this function for over fifteen years.

June Post Meeting

Immediate Past Commander Carl Kurfess was honored with a plaque in recognition for his service as Post Commander for the last 2 years. At below, Kurfess receives the plaque from Commander Duane Bowman.

June Post Meeting
June Post Meeting

At the Department of Washington Convention in Spokane, Post 8870 was recognized as an All-State Post for 2022/2023. Hence the white hat you see on Carl’s head.

Great job by the officers and all members! 8870 has been an All State Post for most of the years your editor has been a member. The awarded commander wears it for the entire post to recognize the team effort and the Quartermaster for his/her individual performance.

June Post Meeting

Also at the convention, the Post newsletter that is written, assembled & distributed by Mike Denton was recognized at the State Convention as the best News Letter from a “Small Post.”

Legionnaires Celebrate 150 Years of Beans

One-hundred fifty years ago, Civil War veterans in Erie, Kan., determined that the best way to rekindle memories of fighting together would be by eating together. The menu was familiar: navy beans seasoned with pork, onions, salt and pepper.

Legionnaires celebrate 150 years of beans

Thus began the Old Soldiers & Sailors Reunion in the community of about 1,100 residents. The reunion evolved into a free community wide bean feed that today draws crowds from across the state and beyond.

The American Legion Family of George L. Hendricks Post 102 in Erie has led the massive undertaking for nearly 60 years, filling the cast-iron kettles, lighting the wood fires, tending to more than 1,200 pounds of beans and dishing them out free of charge. While beans may not be quite the dominant armed forces menu item they were in civil war days, all of us who have served have certainly eaten our share, whether afloat or ashore.

District 1 Recruiting Event Slated at Evergreen State Fair

District 1 Recruiting Event Slated at Evergreen State Fair

For the second year in a row, VFW District 1 will be holding a recruiting drive at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. Beginning on August 24 and running until September 4, District 1 Post members will have the opportunity to recruit new Comrades at the fair.

There are four available slots each day; 10 AM to 3:30 pm, 3:30 to 9 PM with a 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM shift to augment the busiest part of the day. Members can also sign up for a float shift to help cover the busy time and still be flexible.

Each Post should plan to have members participate. We will have a link for you to sign up via signup genius to be emailed to you soon.