Post’s Voice of Democracy Winner Places 5th in State Competition

Katarina Nguyen placed 5th at the Mid Winter Conference in Yakima.   She represented our Post in the competition for the last three years and won the District competition twice.  Both Sr. Vice Commander Fred Apgar  and Commander Jim Traner attended the Mid Winter Convention in Yakima.  There were 16 District winners at the banquet and all seemed to be 4.0 students, captains of their sports teams, class presidents, etc. so the competition was intense.  The fact she was in the top five speaks to the quality of her essay.  You may read it on line under the tab labeled “Youth Essay” and I encourage you to do so.  Katarina is 4.0 student at EWHS, and plans on attending the U of W.  We wish her the best in her future endeavors, wherever they may lead her.

Post’s Voice of Democracy Winner Places 5th in State Competition