Relief Fund Committee Adds New Members

The Relief Fund Committee recently lost a member, Leroy Middleton who passed in January.  As a result, the remaining members, Fred Apgar and Jim Adams, decided to add two additional members to the committee.  Jim Blossey who is a long time resident of Edmonds but fairly new to VFW and Carl Kurfess were named to the Committee.  The function of this committee is to analyze the various requests we have for funds and, after that review, recommend the expenditures from the Relief Fund to the Board and ultimately to the Post for approval.  The system has been extremely effective in allocation of our resources to those most in need and fitting the parameters of allowable expenditures from the Relief Fund.  As in the past, if you come across a worthwhile project you think the Post should support, let one of the committee members know and they will take it into consideration.