Post Officers

2023-2024 VFW Post 8870 Officers

Duane Bowman
(206) 890-9211
[email protected]
Sr. Vice Commander:
Rose Gilliland
(206) 818-1434
[email protected]
Jr. Vice Commander:
Carl F. Kurfess
(425) 776-1656
[email protected]
Joseph Gray
[email protected]
Adjutant apptd:
Calvin G. Barnard
(206) 295-0772
[email protected]
Service Officer apptd:
Alden Gilliland
(206) 818-7789
[email protected]
Surgeon apptd:
Bryan Rowe
[email protected]
Dan Doyle
(425) 773-2400
[email protected]
Judge Advocate apptd:
Rose Gilliland
(206) 818-1434
[email protected]
Officer of the Day:
Jeff McKinney
[email protected]
Guard apptd:
Jeff McKinney
[email protected]
1st Year Trustee:
Donald Stapleton
(425) 743-4435
[email protected]
2nd Year Trustee:
Mike Denton
(425) 280-3757
[email protected]
3rd Year Trustee:
Kerry Watkins
(425) 478-9739
[email protected]