Please take time to review the calendar and if there are additions that are necessary, please contact the editor at [email protected].
Dec 31: Last day of membership for unpaid continuous members
Fund Raiser
Poppy Distribution
Memorial Day Poppy Distribution, Memorial Day Weekend - sign up with Bob Crawford
Veterans Day Weekend Poppy Drive
Central Market, Fred Meyers, QFCs in the area WA, United StatesWe encourage you to sign up for our Poppy Drive this November. Look at your calendar and visit the link below to select times on Nov 4, 5 and 6 at one of three locations during this important fund raising weekend.... (READ MORE)
Poppy Distribution
Memorial Day poppy distribution will occur on the weekend of May 19-21 at the usual locations. Poppy coordinator Bob Crawford will be taking sign ups for Friday and Saturday shifts, plus Sunday shifts at Central Market in Mill Creek only. Please participate. This... (READ MORE)
Veterans Day Poppy Distribution
QFC at Westgate in Edmonds, QFC on Mukilteo Speedway, Fred Meyer off 164th in north LynnwoodOnce again, Post 8870 members and friends will distribute Buddy Poppies at four locations, the weekend preceding Veterans Day. On Friday and Saturday, November 3 &4 , we will be at the QFC at Westgate in Edmonds, The QFC on Mukilteo Speedway... (READ MORE)
Poppy Distribution
QFC Westgate, Edmonds; QFC Mukilteo Speedway; QFC 196th & 76th, Lynnwood; and Fred Meyer, 164th & Alderwood Mall BlvdPoppy Distribution Sat. & Sun. May 25-26
Veterans Day Buddy Poppies Distribution
At various local grocersA number of our comrades signed up to distribute Poppies on Friday and Saturday, November 9 & 10 at the September Post meeting. Those of us participating in the “Veterans in the Schools” program will need to coordinate our school... (READ MORE)
Poppy Distribution
QFC at Westgate in Edmonds, QFC on Mukilteo Speedway, Fred Meyer off 164th in north LynnwoodAs has been our longstanding practice, the Post will be distributing poppies on Friday and Saturday, May 24 & 25 of Memorial Day weekend. We will be at four locations: The QFC stores at Mukilteo Speedway, Edmonds Westgate & West Lynnwood (196th &... (READ MORE)
Veterans Day Poppy Distribution
It’s time to get ready to do our November Veterans Day Poppy Drive. This is extremely important for our Post, as it is how we raise funds to do all the good work that we do! With that said, please mark your... (READ MORE)