Yearly Archive: 2013

School of Instruction—District Commander Jim Traner

The District’s School of Instruction was held on August 17th.  All the Posts were represented while we went over the latest information from National and Department.  Linda Fairbank, membership chairman for the west side of the State came and spoke about the latest changes regarding increased dues, length of memberships and the opportunities we have signing up members and having continuous members pay their dues prior to January 1st.  In essence, someone paying today is actually paying through December 31, 2014 while someone paying in 2014 will have their membership expire on the same date in 2015.  It’s a great time to join VFW and get 16 months of membership for the price of one year.  With memberships expiring throughout the year, our Quartermasters and membership chairs will have their work cut out for them over the next year or so until everyone is on the same page.  This is also an excellent time to have members convert their memberships to a Life membership and we will be preaching that to the choir throughout the year.

We also covered a number of other VFW programs but let me point out that all this information is available at  Simply go the website and spend some time reviewing the information available there.  Also, you will find resources for Commanders and Quartermasters.  I was disappointed in not having any new members attend.  The crusty old hands have heard most of it already but the newer members would have been exposed to a lot of programs conducted by the VFW that they might not be familiar or know that they even exist.

Christmas Party

I know, it’s 80 degrees outside and Christmas is 4 months away.  However, mark your calendars for December 14th at 1PM when the American Legion Post 66 and VFW Post 8870 will have a combined Christmas party at the Senior Center.  Since we bring toys (for the Holly House) and canned food (for the Food Bank), you can start squirreling away both in anticipation.

Post Offers Assistance

Post Offers Assistance

Thanks to the untiring efforts of our Service Officer, Don Whedon, our Post continues to provide assistance to veterans who find themselves in a position where they need some assistance.  In addition to providing financial assistance to veterans in need, Don provides assistance in the filing of claims for those eligible for benefits from the Veterans Association as well as claims for medals to which veterans have earned.

Recently, thanks to Dons’ efforts, the Post provided a clothes dryer to the family of Joe Zahara.  Joe is a decorated Marine who served in Vietnam and has plans to join our Post.  The clothes dryer was provided at discount by Lowe’s.  In addition to a discounted price to veterans, Lowe’s also assumes the cost of state tax.

If any member of our Post has a question regarding your benefits, or if you know of a veteran who needs assistance, you are encouraged to contact Don (425-218-0034 or [email protected]).

VFW Trivia

Question:  Should members always wear their caps at Post meetings?

Answer:  The National By-Laws requires that elected and appointed officers wear regulation caps in VFW meetings; it would be optional for other Post members.  However, the regulation cap is the only cap approved to wear at a Post meeting.

Chaplain’s Corner

I met with Erv Schmidt yesterday.  That is always a pleasant experience.  However, this time Erv wanted to discuss plans for his memorial service.  Erv stated quite emphatically that although he feels fine, he tires easily.  He misses his wife, June, and is looking forward to joining her in the not too distant future.  Erv mentioned fondly his wonderful daughter Katie and son-in-law Bill; he is very thankful for all they do for him.  He showed me his apartment including many pictures of family.  Family has played and continues to play a very important role in Erv’s life – that is how it should be for each of us.  Hanging over his dining table is a wedding picture of a very happy, attractive, and very young couple, Erv in his Navy Blue Jumper and his beautiful wife, June, in a very lovely hat.  The picture was taken in April 1944. Erv was home on leave – between ships.  The couple glows with youth, excitement, and happiness.   Oh that we could capture time returning to an earlier and happier day.  Oh that we could, like a picture, remain young.  Of course, it is not to be!  Time marches on!  What was once young fades with time – including us.  We are, however, blessed with memories of days gone by.  In those memories, we are forever young as are those we remember and love.  Although Erv misses his wife, June, and longs to join her, he recognize that life is precious and is a gift from God, meaning that life, all life, from conception to death, belongs to God.  We live and die in accordance with God’s plan, a plan not (normally) shared with us.  Erv has – here on earth – a loving family, many loving VFW Comrades, and other friends too numerous to mention.  For those of us blessed by having Erv as a friend, we want him around awhile longer and know he still has much to give.  What I always find most rewarding in my discussions with Erv is his unconditional trust in his Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Erv knows that Jesus has personally told him, though the Bible, that “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”   There is no doubt in Erv’s mind that when the Lord calls, he will ‘return home; he will join his Lord and his beloved wife, June.

We hope that Erv remains with us for a long time.  .  We should each remember that every day is a gift –it is the ‘present’. May God Bless you and may God Bless Our Troops.

The Last Word—Commander’s Column by Fred Apgar

Having served in the military is something we all have in common.  Regardless of whether we volunteered to serve or were drafted, the fact we wore the uniform means we provided service to our nation.  Of course there were many valuable lessons we learned along the way, lessons that have served us well over the years.  We all learned the importance of unit cohesion and working together, as a team, to achieve a common goal or mission.  The fact we all served in combat zones means we probably all witnessed, first hand, incredible acts of bravery, courage, and sacrifice.  Some made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up their lives for their country.

As a child, my grandfather and father were always sharing great wisdom through the use of different proverbs.  One that I always remember was “Many hands make light work”.  It took time for me to completely understand what they meant, but the message is an important one.

The strength of any organization is only as strong as the willingness of its members to get involved and serve others.  This is especially applicable for our Post if we are going to continue to provide wonderful assistance to our fellow veterans in need and maintain the numerous programs in which we are involved.  We are fortunate to have a core group of our members who through their willingness to serve maintains the vitality of VFW Post #8870.

For some of our members who are serving in leadership positions, it is time for them to move on.  It is vitally important for those of you in our membership who have been blessed with abilities and talents and have not yet taken an active role in our Post to come forward and volunteer to serve.  There are a variety of roles in which you can serve, and I look forward to your service.

Another maxim I learned from my father was, “There are some who are willing to work, and some willing to let them”.  Please, don’t be one of those who are “willing to let them”.

The views expressed in this column are solely those of the Commander and do not represent those of VFW Post #8870, its membership, or VFW.  

National VFW Approves Dues Increase

At the recent National VFW Convention, the delegates approved a resolution to increase the amount of its annual dues by $10.00.  The increase in dues for Continuous members will go into effect on January 1, 2014.  Those Post members who now pay their dues on an annual basis might want to consider paying next year’s due prior to the January 1, 2014 deadline, thus saving $10 in the process.

Continuous dues paying members might also consider becoming a Life Member of VFW, and in so doing, you will be saving a considerable amount of money in the process.  Members, who are considering becoming a Life Member, can obtain more information regarding this option by going to the National VFW web site at clicking on the RENEW link at the top of the page, you will be able to review your membership information, make changes, renew your membership, or select the Life Membership option.  The dues structure and the cost of Life Membership are related to you age:


One-Time Payment

Installment Payment



















81 and over



Questions regarding these options can be directed to our Quartermaster, Dennis Peterson (425-772-3404).

Donald F. Paris

Donald F. Paris

Donald was a life-long resident of Seattle, and he died in May at the age of 90.  He left high school to help support his family by working in his grandfather’s donut shop.  He enlisted in the Army Air Corps and served in the Pacific theatre of operations during WW II.  Following the war, Don married his wife of 65 years, Lois.  He worked in the real estate business for 40 years, eventually opening Don Paris Realty in Edmonds.  In addition to being a member of VFW Post #8870, Don was a member of the Elks Club for over 60 years, he sang with the Sound Singers, and volunteered at the Edmonds Senior Center Food Bank.  Surviving Don are his wife, three children (Pam, Don Jr., and Jim), 9 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.

Post Member Muriel Whalley Interviewed on KZOK 102.5FM

Some years ago I did an article on Muriel for the newsletter.  She was recently interviewed by KZOK about her service and her trip to Washington DC on the Honor Flight.  Brian Sequin of Post 1040 has been instrumental in getting our WWII comrades back to Washington and resurrecting the Puget Sound hub of Honor Flight.  He recently sent me a link of Muriel’s interview.  You can go to

For those of you without computer access, when you get a chance to be with someone who does, have them access the video. It is about 5 minutes long and a great interview.

Chaplain’s Corner—Rock Roth

Can any of us who lived during WWII forget Kate Smith singing God Bless America?  Did you know that God Bless America was written by Erving Berlin in 1918 during WWI and revised in 1938 three years before we entered WWII?  Did you also know that Irving Berlin was Jewish?  The God in whom he believed was the Jewish God of the Torah or Old Testament.  Christians believe in the same God as revealed in the New Testament – the Judeo Christian God.

“While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.”

I would suggest that as a nation we need to (re)dedicate ourselves to being “One nation under God, indivisible……”  I would further suggest that we are not African American, Chinese American, Vietnamese American, German American, et al.  We are one and all Americans.  I, as your Chaplain, pray for God’s Blessing on this land, the United States of America.  I pray that He stand beside us and guide us, through the night with the light from above.

May we remain one Nation Under God.

Post Website

Just a reminder that you can find this newsletter along with a ton of information at our website  We post our Minutes from the last meeting and password protect them from unauthorized folks looking at them.  If you have forgotten the password, contact the quartermaster at [email protected] and he will get it to you.  Along with the minutes, you’ll find contact information for the Post’s officers, membership applications should you run into a prospective candidate and don’t have one with you.  There is also a link to order a copy of your DD-214.