Above L to R: Erin Dahl, Kamiak H.S. Kilie Otani, Mountlake Terrace HS, Terry Traner, Norm Goldstein, Terry Crabteree, Van Honglam from Mariner HS and Thinh Do, Meadowdale HS.
At the June Post meeting the winners of the Norm Goldstein Freedom Scholarship were present to read their winning essays and receive the congratulations of the membership.
Norm Goldstein, Post 8870 member and WWII Navy veteran was present at Mountlake Terrace H.S. Senior Awards night for the presentation ceremony of that school’s winner, Kilie Otani. Norm, a Navy veteran of WWII received a warm welcome from two former students who are now faculty members at Mountlake Terrace. Norm retired as Vice principal of Mountlake Terrace H.S. in 1980 after a long career teaching and coaching basketball there and at Ballard H.S.
Above right, Norm took the opportunity to personally congratulate all of the winners.