Last Word By Fred M. Apgar, Commander

At this month’s meeting, Jim Blossey will assume the role of Commander of VFW Post # 8870, and my two-year run as your Post Commander will come to an end. I know all of you join me in wishing Jim good luck, pledging him our full support, and working alongside of him to fulfill our Post’s mission. Jim has prepared himself for this leadership position by directly involving himself in many Post initiatives and making many fine contributions. Thanks to his vision, interpersonal skills, and hard work, Post # 8870 will continue to move forward.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest appreciation to the members of VFW Post # 8870 for the wonderful opportunity to have served as your Commander. Thank you for the confidence you placed in me. It was both a privilege and honor to have served in that capacity. Regardless of the role I was asked to assume, it had always been a goal of mine to serve the heroes of my childhood; WW II and Korean War veterans. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to serve and look forward to continuing to serve my comrades.

Finally, I would like to recognize the many significant contributions made by members of our leadership team. I was blessed to have had so many dedicated comrades serving in elected and appointed positions, and your loyal support has been greatly appreciated. Thank you for a job well done.