A Time to Remember
10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 22
Black Box Theatre at Edmonds Community College
Edmonds Community College invites everyone to the Sixth Annual Memorial Day Ceremony with wreath laying on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM at the Campus’ BlackBox Theater.

This year we’ll be marking the 75th Anniversary of the DDay Invasion of Normandy.
Each year we come together on the Wednesday before Memorial Day to reflect on the price paid for our freedom, and to show our gratitude to the families of the fallen as well as those still living who are connected to our Armed Forces in some way.
We hope you will join us for this special event that has become a time-honored tradition on our campus. People from across our campus and community come together to create our Memorial Day Ceremony. Local Girl Scout Troops from Lynnwood and Mukilteo place flags along our procession route between the theater and the Boots to Books Monument where we’ll lay a wreath created by Linda Toccoli from our Campus Horticulture Department.
Our Master of Ceremonies will be Jon Ramer, USAF (Ret.). We will have speeches from our College President and the Mayor of Lynnwood, as well as one of our student veterans, a retired US Army Apache Helicopter Pilot. Musical performances by Native American Flautist Peter Ali, Bugler Glenn Ledbetter and Bagpiper Toby Beard are also featured.