All members of VFW Post #8870 and its Ladies Auxiliary together with American Legion Post 66 and their guests are invited to attend our Annual Christmas Party. The luncheon will be held at the Edmonds Senior Center on Saturday, December 14. The meal will be served at 1:00 PM, but you should plan on arriving at Noon. A raffle has been added to this year’s event in which winning ticket holders will be choosing from among a variety of donated items. The more tickets you purchase, the greater your chances of success.
We are asking members and guests to bring along a non-perishable food item for a local Food Bank and a new, unwrapped toy or a clothing item suitable for teenagers, all of which will be donated to Holly House.
The family of John Bustard will donate and cook a turkey and the Post will donate a ham. Guests are asked to bring a dish to be shared. The food item categories are:
Side dish Salad
Rolls/bread Dessert
Please RSVP to Fred Apgar ([email protected] or 206-940-7502), indicating the number of guests who will attend and the category of dish you will provide.