March 30 is Vietnam Veterans’ Day

While this is a bit after the fact, the Washington Legislature has deemed the 30th as Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Day. About the only thing of significance is the POW/MIA flag is required to be flown by all public entities. Since the 30th is on a Saturday and a lot of the agencies were closed i.e. the schools, I’m not sure the average citizen even noticed. My daughters came over to my house for Easter and they are the most pro-veteran women in America and only one had seen a brief article in the newspaper that mentioned it. However, for those of us who came back on a “Freedom Bird”, it is a day for us to re-member our trip home and remember those who didn’t come back with us. Now that we have some advanced knowledge of the date, perhaps we can do a bit more in the coming year in welcoming home our brothers and sisters in a more dignified manner.