Post Officer Nominations

Nominations for Officers were held in the March meeting.  Nominated were Fred Apgar, Commander; Chris Edwards, Senior Vice; Carl Kurfess, Junior Vice; Rock Roth; Chaplain; Al Boyett, Surgeon; Tom Hallums, Quartermaster; Ron Clyborne, Judge Advocate; and Jim Traner, 3rd year Trustee,  The nominations will be opened to the floor again in the April meeting and following any additional nominations, the election will be held.  If you can make the meeting, please do so.  This is one of the most important meetings of the year and a great turnout would be appreciated.  Installation of the new officers will take place at our June meeting.  In addition to the elected positions, there are a number of appointed positions.  If you interested in serving, let us know and we will find a job for you.