Record Poppy Collections

The Post set a new record in Buddy Poppy donations.  The total as of May 28th (some funds are still trickling in) is $13,430.  As you know, this money is used exclusively for our Relief Fund.  We have been able to be generous because our community is generous in their support of VFW.  I want to thank everyone who did “Poppy Duty”.  Duty is a poor word to use.  I should restate it to “Opportunity” since it is an opportunity to hear folks thank you for your service, share stories of their service or that of their father, mother, sister or brother.  For the first time, we experimented with the use of a credit card reader which was attached to our iPhone or iPad.  It was only used at one location, and while it didn’t raise significant funds, we did collect $150 that we wouldn’t otherwise have collected.  Since there is no charge for the equipment and only a nominal service charge for the transaction, we will probably expand their use in the future.  I want to thank Bob Crawford who organized the event.  He did a great job in seeing everyone was in the right place and at the right time.  Elizabeth Mather and Tom Hallums counted the cash and prepared the deposit slips for the bank.

In addition to raising funds, we all had the opportunity to recruit new members to our Post.  I suspect we will need to replenish our supply of applications (I know I emptied my car of the half-dozen that I carry).

Finally, I am not sure how many folks that came by and said they were so glad to see Poppies again for Memorial Day.  I notice that Prince Harry was wearing a Poppy on his recent visit to the States, but I don’t recall seeing a single politician with one in his or her lapel while watching the news on Memorial Day.  Perhaps VFW can bring back a tradition that has faded from the American landscape over the past few generations.  I know that Post 8870 purchased 20,000 Poppies so at least that many folks were wearing them on their lapel on Memorial Day.