Spanning generations: Two Fighter Pilots Meet

Spanning generations Two Fighter Pilots MeetPost 8870’s senior member Buck Weaver, met recently with Navy Lt. Dan Landerholm of Edmonds for breakfast at Claire’s Restaurant. Landerholm, who graduated from Edmonds-Woodway High School and Washington State University, is a 30- year-old Navy F-18 fighter pilot stationed in Lemoore, California. The following week Landerholm was to head to the Persian Gulf on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, based in San Diego. Buck flew 137 combat missions in WWII as an Army Air Force pilot, flying the P-39 Aircobra, then went to dental school and served as commander of dental service at the Air Force Academy, retiring as a colonel.


Spanning generations Two Fighter Pilots Meet

Buck in the cockpit

Spanning generations Two Fighter Pilots Meet

F-18 Launching