9/11 – 20 Years Later – Never Forget

On the morning of Saturday September 11, 2021 a group of fire fighters, veterans and interested Edmonds citizens gathered in a rather impromptu and unrehearsed observance of the morning of one of the nation’s great tragedies that, over the next twenty years resulted in some of our greatest moments and some would say some of our worst.
The City of Edmonds had earlier planned a 20th anniversary observance, but later announced its cancellation in response to the latest COVID outbreaks. A few of us from VFW Post 8870, along with other veterans and a group of firefighters gathered to say a few words and hold a flag ceremony, accompanied by a Fire Department bagpiper. Retired Edmonds Police office/ bugler Debbie Dawson played taps.

Those attending from the post included Commander Carl Kurfess, Past Commanders Jim Traner and Mike Denton, Chaplain Dan Doyle and Mike Reagan.
Mike Schindler, of Operation Military Families, Monica McNeal of Washington Gold Star Mothers, local businessman & city council candidate Will Chen and Chaplain Doyle said a few words. (City Council Candidate Janelle Cass was also present)
The flag ceremony was lead by Dave “Bronco” Erickson. Erickson, a retired fire fighter, led in the acquisition of the steel from ground zero and the building of the 9/11 Memorial next to the downtown fire station.