Post Service Officer Set to Help Members

Don Whedon, Edmonds VFW Post 8870 Service Officer, sees a need for enhanced availability to VFW members in need of assistance in receiving their veterans benefits. The process of applying and gaining approval for medical, disability and other benefits can be daunting for the uninitiated. Don is here to help and is very experienced in this area.
To that end Whedon will begin establishing some regular service hours for the Post. This will initially be located at the Edmonds American Legion Hall. In addition, Whedon can, when needed, make other arrangements to meet with individual veterans offsite. Veterans can contact Whedon directly: (425-218-0034)
The first such session will be on Saturday, February 29, between 10 AM and 2 PM. We will have the coffee on and some donuts and such on hand.
A one time telephone drive will be held concurrently to contact members of VFW Post 8870 who have overlooked renewing, to remind them to do so. Qualified Veterans not already members, are also welcome to stop by and put in their application. (Be sure to bring your DD214)