Memorial Day Observance Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

Members of Edmonds VFW Post 8870 participated once again in the Edmonds Memorial Day Ceremony at the Edmonds Memorial Cemetery on Monday, May 29, 2023. Over 25 Post 8870 members, wives, family members and American Legion Post 66 members attended. Post 8870 members marched in the opening ceremony and the Honor guard raised the flag. Post Scholarship Winner Troy Slocum read his essay. Post member Chris Edwards played Taps. Post Commander Carl Kurfess read the White Table ceremony. Korean War Veteran and Purple Heart recipient Phil Sacks rang the bell for the fallen.
Speakers included Edmonds Mayor Mike Nelson, who reminded the audience that “Edmonds is a Purple Heart City, where we honor and remember those who were wounded or killed in combat.”
“We remember your sacrifice, your pain, and those who were robbed of their future so we could have ours,” he concluded. “Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.”
(The Purple Heart Medal is awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces who were wounded in combat action or posthumously to the next of kin of those who are killed or die of wounds received in action.

Nelson was followed by keynote speaker Marine Sgt. Robert Olivarez, the Junior National Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
“This is a day to pay tribute to those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice,” Olivarez began.
“What they gave defined and made possible our freedoms and our way oflife. We owe them a debt that cannot be repaid.
(Photos courtesy Larry Vogel, MyEdmondsNews)