$ Post 8870 General Fund Depleted $

Member’s Urged to Consider Donations
At the monthly staff meeting, Quartermaster Dennis Peterson reported that the Post’s general fund, the money we use for operational expenses such as postage, web site maintenance, new member expenses over and above dues received, etc, etc. has become severely depleted going into the new 2019-20 VFW year.
No doubt you are all aware that most of the money in our bank accounts is that generated by donations received at our twice yearly poppy drives, dedicated funds that are and must be committed to the Veteran and Community Service functions the post performs and cannot be used for operating expenses.
If you can kick in a few dollars to help get the fund back to a healthy condition please give your cash or check to Quartermaster Peterson, or drop it in the mail to VFW Post 8870, PO Box 701, Edmonds, 98020. Our QM is also happy to process your credit card.
If you are employed by an organization with a charitable match program, don’t forget to ask for the match, to double your donation. Our in house CPA, Past Commander Traner, asks us to remind you that all donations to the post are tax deductible.