Tag Archive: VFW Hierachy

How VFW is Organized

Most of our members know what Post they belong to (test question—which Post do you belong to?) and what District they belong to (another test Question– What District does our Post belong to?) Beyond that, unless you’ve been a Post Commander, the hierarchy becomes a bit foggy. Our Department (states are called Departments), is comprised of 16 Districts. Each District has a Commander and the 16 Commanders are Department’s Council of Administration. Perhaps the most important role of the Council is the responsibility of approving the budget for Department. The Departments are grouped by Conferences and, not surprisingly, we are in the Western Conference. There are 17 Departments making up the Western Conference. What is a bit unusual is the fact that Latin America & the Caribbean, Kansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota are in the Western Conference. Finally, the four Conferences, Big 10, Eastern, Southern and ours comprise the National organization.

By the way, the answers to the test questions are Post 8870 and District One.