VFW Auxiliary

Auxiliary Election Results:
President: Patsy Ethridge-Neal
phone: (206)919-6533
Senior Vice President: Trudy Holden
Secretary/Treasurer: Jo Boyett
Phone: (425)481-9208
Chaplain: Alan Bridgeford
Conductress: Carrie Bridgeford
Guard: Carrie Bridgeford
3-year Trustee: Trudy Holden
Meeting Schedule
As the Edmonds Senior Center closes for construction of the new Edmonds Waterfront Center, which will house the Senior Center in future, we find it necessary to move our meeting location, beginning with the June meeting.
Our May 9th meeting will be held at 12:00 pm at the Edmonds Senior Center, as, usual.
Our June 13th meeting will be held at 12:00 pm at Holy Trinity Church, 657 Daly St in Edmonds, unless otherwise noted.
Lunch is available at both locations before the meeting for about $4.00.