The Last Word—Commander’s Column by Fred Apgar

On behalf of VFW Post #8870, I want to wish you all a New Year that is filled with good health and happiness for you as well as the members of your family.  I am not too sure about other nations of the world, but it has been a custom in our great nation to make Resolutions for the New Year.  Typically, we make promises to ourselves hoping to better ourselves and our lives.  Typically as well, very few of us succeed in fulfilling our resolutions.  Research indicates that only about 10% of us successfully implement the promised changes.

Several months ago, we shared with you the many opportunities in our Post in which you could become involved.  In fact, we need your involvement.  I was disappointed that not one member stepped forward to volunteer their time to assist.  We are similar to other organizations inasmuch as a small core of our members are responsible for doing most of the work.  Some among that core group have been serving our Post in a variety of roles for many years, and they are entitled to be able to lighten their loads.  Along with our membership in VFW Post #8870, comes the responsibility to become involved.

It is my sincerest desire that one of the resolutions you make for the New Year will be to volunteer to serve your comrades by assuming a leadership role.  It is also my desire that you become part of the solution by fulfilling your New Year’s Resolution.

I look forward to hearing from you (206-940-7502 or [email protected]).

The views expressed in this column are solely those of the Commander and do not represent those of VFW Post #8870, its membership, or VFW