At the District 1 School of Instruction held at Post 2100 in Everett on September 15, Edmonds Post 8870 was among those receiving the “All American” award. The All American award goes to Posts who meet or exceed requirements laid out for such things as membership growth and participation in a wide variety of VFW activities, such as Poppy distribution, and various Relief Fund efforts, above and beyond those required of “All State” status.

Of course, this award is for the past VFW year’s performance, so immediate Past Commander Carl Kurfess will wear the red & black All American cover, as would Jim Traner as Quartermaster for that period, were he still with us.
In the photo, District 1 Commander Terry Stenson, and Department of Washington Commander Craig Dougherty present the certificate to Commander Duane Bowman.
Well Done All!