at the Edmonds Farmers Market
The Post will once again man a booth at the Edmonds Farmers Market on a Saturday in September to distribute Buddy Poppies and “show the flag” to the public and potential new members. This event is tentatively scheduled for September 25. We will be set up by the market opening time of 9:00 AM and continue until 2:00 PM. we do need volunteers to for set up/take down and to man the booth during the day. You can do a morning shift, an afternoon shift or both.
Sign ups will be held at the August Post meeting. See Senior Vice Commander and Poppy Chair Duane Bowman.

In the photo at right are Post Chaplain Dan Doyle and then Commander Mike Denton at a similar event in 1919, set up much as we will be in September.
Looking ahead to Veterans Day. Buddy Poppy distribution will take place November 5 & 6 at our usual locations in the area. Sign-ups will begin at the September Post meeting