Chaplain’s Column
It is hard to believe that we are a month into 2013. For many of us who lived through at least half of the 20th Century, the 21st Century with its high tech gadgets is hard to handle. Witnessing today’s youth, their excitement, enthusiasm, and energy brings us to the reality that we are getting old and not just older! Time, however, is relative. We are reminded by Saint Peter, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8) The United States is still a young country – relatively speaking. God has been and is in control!
I am currently reading a book Lincoln: How Abraham Lincoln Ended Slavery by Harold Holzer As one reads about Lincoln one is confronted with the enormous challenges Lincoln and our country faced over issues such as slavery vis-à-vis “All men are Created Equal, with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”; States Rights vis-à-vis “In order to form a more Perfect Union”, et al. As one learns more about Lincoln, he or she is confronted with an acute awareness that Lincoln was a devout Christian who strongly believed in a God Who is intimately involved in the lives and destiny of men. One of the major concerns expressed by Lincoln was not whether God was on his side but rather was he (and our country) on God’s side? I would suggest that this is a very fundamental question we as American should be asking ourselves today. Let us pray:
Our Heavenly Father, make us truly grateful for the goodly heritage Thou hast bestowed upon this Nation, whereby we enjoy the greatest freedom on earth. Watch over our national, state, and community leaders, and our people. Protect us by Thy Mighty Arm. Keep us ever mindful of the sacrifices made for us by our fallen comrades, Founding Fathers, and those in our past such as Abraham Lincoln. Make us worthy of Thy Loving Kindness. This we ask in Thy Holy Name.