At the June post meeting 2019-20 Commander Rose Gilliland took over from 2017-19 Commander Mike Denton in a brief hand-off of the gavel. Past Commander Denton began the meeting and conducted the ceremony of draping the charter for recently deceased comrades Benton Webb and Russ Pitner. (Obits for Webb and Pitner appeared in the May newsletter) The appropiate prayer for departed Comrades was read by Chaplain Dan Doyle.

Commander Rose Gilliland then began the business portion of the meeting during which Post 8870 Surgeon Charles Gaul led some discussion of guidelines for our Hospital and Community Service reports, for which we ask members to submit their activities monthly.
The latest instruction received from Department regarding Hospital reporting are pretty clear; the key being the word “hospital”. If it doesn’t happen in the hospital or nursing home or transport to and from these facilities, it doesn’t get reported in the Hospital Report (with the exception of blood donations).
We are however, seeking clarification as to what is reportable and what is not for the Community Service Report. In the meantime, members may want to continue reporting as we have been and leave it to your Post Officers to judge reportablity.
Much of the remainder of the meeting was devoted to plans and preparations for participation in the “Edmonds Kind of 4th” Independence Day parade and picnic/barbecue to follow.