Our June Post meeting was well attended (24 members on the premises plus two others attending via Zoom) and busy.
Two of our 2021 scholarship recipients Shakeel Kah, of Mariner H.S. and Vann Dreier of Kamiak H.S. were present via Zoom to read their essays to the Post. The essay topics this year were “What Freedom Means to Me” and “How our Constitution establishes and maintains a culture of freedom”. The other two winners, Hayley Ross, Meadowdale H.S. and Taylor Schindler, of Edmonds Woodway H.S. were unable to join us due to other commitments.

Dept of Washington Commander Traci Williams joined us to present Commander Rose with the Post’s 75th Anniversary certificate from the National Commander.
Parade plans were finalized and several potential new members introduced. More on new members as they are actually inducted.
Among the photos displayed is one showing the new video equipment (below) purchased to enable more complete participation by those joining our meeting online, which includes a new camera, monitor and laptop computer. In the photo shown, members Al Boyett and Jay Hansen are seen, as well as a third member connected via audio only.

The above image at left displays the head table with Commander Rose directing the meeting, as well as Don Stapleton introducing the scholarship winners who were with us online. With this arrangement, everyone attending can see and hear everyone else, whether physically present or on Zoom.