May 27-28
We have confirmation from the stores of the availability of their facilities to distribute Buddy Poppies for Memorial Day. We will try to man two stations at each of four store locations between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28. The stores will be the QFCs at Westgate in Edmonds and the Mukilteo Speedway location; the Fred Meyer at 164th & Alderwood Mall Blvd in North Lynnwood and the Town & Country Market (formerly Central Market in Mill Creek.
Please sign up with Sr. Vice Commander and Poppy Chair Duane Bowman at the April Post meeting, or email him with your desired location and shifts ([email protected]). You may be asked to take shifts at a different time or place, depending on our staffing needs. Here is an example of a sign-up sheet/schedule. Details are the same for each location: