After more than 20 years of service, the Edmonds School District Athletic Department’s American flag had definitely seen better days. Frayed and faded, it was a shadow of its former self and ready to be retired.
When officials from Edmonds VFW Post 8870 heard about this, they immediately contacted the school and offered to donate a brand new flag to fly over athletic and other events at Edmonds District stadium.
In a short ceremony on a recent Wednesday afternoon, VFW officials met with a group of teachers, students and district staff to formally present the new flag.
“It’s very meaningful for us to be able to do this,” said Jim Blossey, VFW Post Commander. “Honoring the flag and those who have died for it is a big part of what we stand for, and it’s a privilege to help promote this within our community.”
The VFW is arranging to have the old flag officially retired in the traditional manner, “probably by burning it in a wood fire” according to Blossey.
Story and photos by Larry Vogel, courtesy My Edmonds