If you have read your September issue of VFW Magazine, you will have seen the article introducing the new membership badge, shown at left. This badge is a “throwback” to earlier badges worn by members in the 1920s and 30s and was developed by Department of Illinois Commander Bobby Welch, a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer and Iraq War Veteran. Welch worked on the design under the direction of current Commander-In-Chief Mathew M. “Fritz” Mihelcic.
While the membership badge looks like a military medal awarded to troops,Welch stressed that the badges are not meant to be given as an award. “All members of VFW are authorized to wear this badge” Welch said. “If you are a VFW member, you are entitled to and deserving of wearing this badge.
Shown with the badge in this image at left is the Life Member bar, also available as Legacy, Gold Legacy, Silver Legacy and Bronze Life bars.
The new badges are available to members through the VFW online store.