September Speaker
At the September Post meeting, Don Stapleton, who chairs our Youth Essay and Scholarship Committee, spoke about the annual VFW Youth Essay contests, which include the “Youth Essay” for grades 3-5, “Patriots Pen” grades 6-8 and “Voice of Democracy for high school students.
The deadline for entries is Midnight, October 31, so if you know any eligible students, encourage them to get their entries in as soon as possible. Scholarship and cash awards total nearly$ 3 million at the State and National Levels.
Minutes of Sept Post meeting
The Ceremony was performed for Undraping the Charter which was draped last month for Comrade Jim Traner.
The minutes from the August meeting were read an approved by the membership.
The Quartermasters report was reviewed and approved by the membership.
The Payment of expenses including website services, mailing expense, district dues, the meeting meal expenditures were approved by the membership:Congratulations to immediate Past Post Commander Carl Kurfess and to all Post members for the Post’s 2022-23 All American Post award. It was moved by Mike Denton/2nd by Bryan Rowe and approved by the membership that the Post should purchase a VFW “All American” Black hat for Carl in recognition of the achievement.
Tickets for the Post Honor & Remember raffle were handed out after todays meeting. Commander Duane Bowman will be at the American Legion
hall from 4:30 to 5:30 every Wednesday to
collect money or hand out more raffle
It was proposed by Quartermaster Joe Gray that we move $2,000.00 from the Post Foundation Fund to the Post General Fund. By vote of the membership the funds will be transferred by the Quartermaster.
The next Post meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2023.