April Speaker Casey Davis of Edmonds Food Bank

At the April Post meeting, Casey Davis, Executive Director of Edmonds Food Bank spoke to us about the Food Bank’s operations and it’s potential impact on veterans in need.
The mission of the food bank, operating out of the Edmonds United Methodist Church, is to provide, free of charge, fresh and nutritious food to families needing help who are located in Edmonds and in the surrounding communities of South Snohomish County.
Hunger affects many of us. One life transition – job loss or change, health issue, family crisis, cuts in benefits – can make it so we must choose between healthy food and other necessities. Often, we just need a little assistance. The Carol Rowe Memorial Edmonds Food Bank operates to provide that help. Open on Mondays & Tuesdays, 50 weeks a year.
Davis points out that Edmonds has the largest percentage of veterans (11%) in its population of any city in Snohomish County, with far more of them in need of some level of help than we might think.
Davis discussed with post members some ideas of the kind of assistance VFW might offer to reach those veterans in need, such as having cover wearing members as volunteers on food distribution days, holding regular food donation drives, among others. We agreed that discussion among our staff and membership is in order toward reaching out to veterans who might be in need of food assistance.