Edmonds Veterans Plaza Update
Design Elements

Piictured above is the Navy portion of the curb wall, which will feature identical sections for Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard Veterans.

Above and tt right are images of those section being called “Seat Wall” and “Seat Cube” respectively, which are designed to give visitors a place for reading, quiet contemplation, or simply to enjoy the space
Fund Raising Undwerway
Under the Guidance of VFW Post 8870 and lead by the efforts of Ron Clyborne, a fundraising committee comprised of civic leaders, both veteran and non veteran, have begun work to raise the approximately $ 450,000 the project is projected to require.
There is already some seed money in the bank, including a donation from the city of Edmonds, among others and there is no doubt that sustantial contributions will be forthcoming as the word spreads in and around Edmonds.
Details of what the final result is expected to look like can be found on the project web page at http://edmondsveteransplaza.com/. (Some examples shown at left)
There is also a Facebook page under the name Edmonds Veterans Plaza. Online donations can be made from either of those two sites.
While we are, of course, looking for large sponsors who can support our project in substantial sums, in the end we will also need lots of small donations, so your online donation is welcome in any amount you can provide.
The important thing is for all of us associated with Veterans causes to do our part to promote and support the project in any way we can.