Tag Archive: Terry Stenson

July Business Meeting

July Business Meeting
Dist 1 CommanderTerry Stenson

The Minutes from the June Meeting were read and approved. The Quartermaster’s report was reviewed and approved. The following expenditures were approved by the membership. $46.57 for Food$ 31.18 for beverages. The Relief Fund Committee Meeting was scheduled for 07/27/2023 at 5:30PM.

We are scheduled to participate at the Edmonds Community Fair on Sunday, 08/06/2023. The event takes place at the Edmonds/Woodway High School. We can use this as a recruiting event as well as a way to let the public know what we are about and what we do. Dist 1 Commander Terry Stenson District 1 Commander Terry Stenson gave us an update on what is going and what is planned at District.

The next District Meeting@ Post 2100 will be on 08/09/2023.

District 1 will have a Booth at the Evergreen State Fair. Attendance by our Post members will be counted as a recruiting event. The fair runs from 08-24-2023 to 08-29-2023 and from 08-31-2023 to 9-4-2023. We will announce more details at the next meeting.

All members can attend a Everett Aquasox game on 09-09-2023. We will provide more information at the next meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for 08-16-2023.