News from Department of Washington

To say “Time has flown by” would be a welcomed phrase for 2020. I don’t think there is anyone that would say they’re sad to see the end of this year. What is sad is how fast this command year is going. Not being able to travel much has really focused my efforts on upgrading both the Service Division and HQ. Lots of changes have taken place since installation; from our website to our Service Division restructure, we have been moving our Department into the 21st Century, finally. You’ll notice on our website “real-time” reporting; “How to” links; as well as all the information you need from all our committee chairs. We enhanced HQ with FOUR new heating and air cooling systems and upgraded our internet service. Our Zoom account was not only purchased but due to an overwhelming amount of participants, we upgraded to an “unlimited” account. A great problem to have. Now, National is trying their best to support not only our Department but ALL Posts that are having financial “challenges.”
Midwinter is still a “go” for now, but for those that don’t want to travel, or feel uncomfortable around others, all of midwinter will be broadcast on Zoom. The midwinter banquet is not going to happen during midwinter. It will be rescheduled for Spring if we’re able to hold it.
Our Department’s 100th birthday is coming up, and for now, we plan on having a 20’s ball! Our birthday is on May 12th so our gala is scheduled for the night of the 8th. Let’s hope we can hold it!
That’s where we’ve been, and where we’re going. Let’s hope 2021 allows us to get back to what we do as a VFW: taking care of our Veterans, their families, but more importantly each other! Please, stay healthy, stay safe, and have a great New Year!