It’s Buddy Poppy Time!
We have gained permission from the stores to distribute Buddy Poppies for Veterans Day at four locations in our area, including QFC at Westgate in Edmonds, QFC at 196th & 76th in Lynnwood, QFC Speedway in Mukilteo and Town & Country Market (formerly Central Market) in Mill Creek. (Please note that the Fred Meyer location we used to use is not available this year)
Now we need YOUR help to staff those locations on Nov 5 & 6 with shifts from 10:00 to 14:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 at each location. Pick your store and times & sign up at the Post meeting on Oct.20 (The store scheduless were emailed to the membership and a sample appears on the following page) or email to Sr. Vice Commander Duane Bowman ([email protected]).
Some of us like to do one shift each day and there are always a few who choose to spend one or both days all day. We only ask that everyone do what they can. Family and friends are welcome to help as well. Please have your face mask with you.
Be advised that we may need to move you to locations other than your first choice to even out staffing.