We lost our long time comrade and friend on July 22. Jim died of a sudden heart attack while, of all things, attempting to boat a large salmon. Jim was a 50 year VFW member and a key member of our leadership staff for many years. His organizational and accounting skills will be sorely missed.
From the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans: (Addressed to Terry Traner & family)
Please accept the condolences of the Troopers of the 11th Armored Cavalry’s veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia. Jim was a dedicated and courageous warrior, and in a crucial time, became one of us, one of our own. He served honorably and faithfully with the Legendary Blackhorse Regiment in the Howitzer Battery of the 1st Squadron from August 1967 thru March 1969. Exhibiting daring and courageous acumen, he was in the fore front, as the regiment completed its mission throughout large areas of Vietnam. James Michael Traner’s name will be published in our newsletter, Thunder Run, acknowledged solemnly during the Memorial Service at our annual reunion, and be enrolled on the scroll with our honored dead. As grateful Americans, we pause and salute a brave man, a recipient of the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry; he proudly honored our regiment. He wore the uniform, was willing to sacrifice, and even put his life on the line for his country, his family and his fellow man. Chaplain Bill Karabinos (11th ACVVC).
For a full Obituary of Jim‘s post service life visit www.beckstributecenter.com. (under Obituaries)