Author Archive: Editor

Teachers of the Year Recognized

Teachers of the Year Recognized

L to R Susan Venable, Jamie Mulvihill, Susan Olmos, Cdr Crabtree

At the monthly post meeting on March 14, Post 8870 presented selections for the Elementary and Middle School “National Citizenship in Education Award”. These awards recognize teachers for their dedication to educating students on matters of citizenship. The recipients are recognized with certificates and a modest monetary stipend at the local Post level and are entered in the District 1, Department of Washington competition, with district winners becoming eligible for Department (State) and National awards. (While the awards will not be made until the District Convention later this spring, we already know that both of our recipients will receive the District 1 award in their category.)

This years recipients, Susan Olmos and Jamie Mulvihill, both of Holy Rosary School in Edmonds, came to the attention of the Post awards committee as a result of an excellent Veterans Day program they jointly prepared and presented with enthusiastic student participation for Veterans Day 2016. Ms. Olmos teaches music to all grades and is also Holy Rosary Parish Music Director. She is the daughter of a Vietnam veteran, now retired from the USAF. Ms Mulvihill teaches math in grades 6-8 in addition to planning and organizing the school’s annual Veterans Day Assembly.


Edmonds Veterans Plaza Shaping Up

Edmonds Veterans Plaza DedicationWork is moving fast on the Edmonds Veterans Plaza near the Public Safety Complex at Fifth Avenue North and Bell Street in Edmonds. The two photos below, taken a few days prior to publication show the plaza under construction.

Edmonds Veterans Plaza Shaping UpAt left, the engraved pavers are shown, waiting at the Civic Center Playfield for installation. Look closley and you will see the names Weaver and Clyborne on the exposed pavers.

Construction is expected to be complete in time for the dedication, now scheduled to take place on Memorial Day, May 29. We urge all of our members, their families and all other Edmonds Veterans to attend.

NL0417_Edmonds-Veterans-Plaza_2 NL0417_Edmonds-Veterans-Plaza_3

Plaza Garden Installation Volunteers Needed

Now, on to the garden! Ron Clyborne met with and has arranged to have an amazing group, “Growing Veterans”, join us in our effort to plant a beautiful memorial garden, and the City is helping us with plants from their gardens. We need volunteers to help with the installation. Email Ron Clyborne; [email protected] to let us know you wish to participate. You will receive an email advising of dates(s) and time for the project.

Memorial Day Observances on the Horizon

Poppy Distribution 

MemoriPoppy Distributional Day poppy distribution will occur on the weekend of May 19-21 at the usual locations. Poppy coordinator Bob Crawford will be taking sign ups for Friday and Saturday shifts, plus Sunday shifts at Central Market in Mill Creek only. Please participate. This is the major fund raiser which allows the post to support verterans and our community projects. The more people we have on hand, the more poppies we hand out and the more money we collect. Besides, it’s fun!

Memorial Day Observances on the HorizonAnnual Memorial Day Observance, Edmonds Cemetary.

Monday, May 29, 11:00 AM. Join our color guard and participate in the ceremonies to honor the fallen.

Edmonds Veterans Plaza Dedication 

Monday, May 29, 2:00 PM at the plaza, located at 6th Ave & Bell St in downtown Edmonds.


In Memoriam

NL0417_William-LeFevreLeo William (Bill) LeFevre of Edmonds, one of our few remaining WWII combat veterans passed away on March 16. He was 93 years of age.

While not a member of our post, Bill was a veteran of WWII, serving in Europe as a BAR man with the 99th Infantry Division. He was wounded at Bastogne, just at the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, for which action he received the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. He returned to his unit following recovery in England.

Bill was a widower of many years, the father of five and an engineer with Lockheed and later Boeing, working in defense projects. He was a poet, violinist and singer of considerable skill. A kinder man and a better friend you are unlikely to find. Your editor sang with him for many years in the Holy Rosary Church Choir, where he was the longest serving member at 43 years, until the last month of his life.


Vietnam Vietnam Veterans HonoredVietnam Veterans Honored 

Veterans of the Vietnam War were honored during a special 50th Anniversary commemoration ceremony held at Tahoma National Cemetery on Saturday, April 1.

Keynote Speaker for the event was Jim Martinson. A Vietnam Veteran himself, Martinson lost both legs above the knee as a result of an action near Da Nang in 1968.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Tahoma National Cemetery will honor the service, sacrifice, and enduring achievements of the Vietnam Veterans at this Vietnam War Commemoration 50th Anniversary event, through a special pinning ceremony. (Image of pin at right)

Those eligible include any living US Veteran who served on active duty in the US Armed Forces between November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location. The pins were presented by Jim Martinson and Cemetery Director Thomas Yokes.


World War I Veterans Who Shaped Future Decades (A Century Ago)

World War I (1917-18) produced some of America’s most prestigious leaders from among the 2 million doughboys who served overseas. As we enter the month of April, 2017, 100 years after the U.S. entered the war, here are just a few of the notable combat veterans of that conflict:

Harry S. TrumanHarry S. Truman
33rd President of the United States, Life Member, VFW

Christopher Mathewson
Baseball Player

Walter A. Brennan

Laurence T. Stallings

Edwin P. Hubble

Robert R. McCormick

From an article featured in the April 2017 issue of VFW magazine written by Janie Dyhouse, associate editor, VFW magazine. For details of the service of these men and their later contributions, see the article in VFW Magazine, or follow this link to the online version: 2017/3/world-war-i-veterans-who-shaped-future-decades