
Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

Post 8870 Honors the Fallen 

Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

VFW Post 8870 color guard is accompanied by piccolo player Preston Aitkens and Drummer Ian Alvarez. Photo by Teresa Whippel,

Once again, as has been our tradition (with our comrades of American Legion Post 66), Edmonds VFW Post 8870 was the core of the Memorial Day ceremonies at the Edmonds Memorial Cemetery. The focus of this year’s ceremonies was the service and sacrifice of our Post 9/11 veterans.

The Post Color Guard, led by Jr. Vice Commander Rose Gilliland, paraded to the flag pole, whereupon American Legion Post 66 Commander Jim Collins and VFW Post 8870 Commander Mike Denton hoisted the colors with the assistance of Les Abel. Dick Simmons once again organized the color guard.

Past Commander Jim Blossey provided the White Table Ceremony; Sr. Vice Commander Carl Kurfess and Jr. Vice Commander Rose Gilliland the conducted Ship’s Bell ceremony at which the names of those fallen Post 9/11 were read. Chris Edwards spoke to the crowd of his experience in post Iraq/Afgnanistan deployments.

The program ended with a rifle salute by the Washington National Honor Guard – Camp Murray and Taps by our own 1st Sgt Chris Edwards.

Present Arms! 

Members of the Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial CemeteryWashington National Guard Honor Guard present arms at the presentation of the colors, as do VFW Post 8870 members Norm Goldstein and Amos Chapman, with Past Commander Terry Crabtree in the background.

Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

Chris Edwards speaks at the Memorial Day ceremony on behalf of himself and his comrades of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.

Memorial Day at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery

Past Commander Jim Blossey presents the White Table Ceremony.

Photos courtesy My Edmonds News 

Olivia Olson Reads her Voice of Democracy Essay on Memorial Day

Olivia Olson Reads her Voice of Democracy Essay on Memorial DayFor five straight years — since she was an 8th grader at Brier Terrace Middle School — Olivia Olson has been a fixture during Edmonds Memorial Day events and at VFW Post 8880 awards ceremonies. Her first speech in 2014 came as the winner of 8870’s Patriot’s Pen essay contest for middle schoolers. That was followed by four more winning speeches — one for each year of high school — in the Voice of Democracy contest for high school students. Olivia is known for memorizing her speeches and using no notes when she addresses the crowd. She has also been the winner in VFW District 1 Voice of Democracy competetion.

Awarded the Fred M. Apgar scholarship, she will attend the University of Southern California in the fall of 2018.

Post 8870 2018 Scholarships Awarded

At the May Post meeting, our 2018 scholarships were awarded to four area high school seniors. each in the amount of $ 1,500.00. These scholarships were named to honor the following post members and their service to their country:

  1. Fred Diedrich: Fred Diedrich was a paratrooper with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment who jumped into Normandy on June 6th, 1944. The Fred Diedrich Scholarship was awarded to Kiara Dailer of Meadowdale H.S. Kiara will be attending Western Washington University.
  2. Amos B. Chapman: Served aboard the destroyer, USS Killen, in the Pacific as a Fire Controller in the Battles for Leyte Gulf during which the ship was under constant attack by artillery, air and Kamikaze attacks. Joseph Schafer of Kamiak H.S. will apply the Amos B. Chapman scholarship to his tuition at The University of Washington.
  3. Fred M. Apgar: During the Vietnam War, Fred was assigned to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base. As an Air Intelligence Officer, he flew 116 combat missions over Northern Laos. The Fred M. Apgar Scholarship went to our Voice of Democracy winner Olivia Olson, who will attend The University of Southern California.
  4. Buck Weaver: Buck flew 137 combat missions in his beloved P-39 and P-40 fighter aircraft. Buck flew bomber escort, dive-bombing, and combat air patrol missions in the South Pacific. Buck retired from the Air Force at the rank of Colonel in 1975. The Buck Weaver Scholarship was awarded to Sea Choi, of Lynnwood H.S., who will attend the University of California, San Diego.
Post 8870 2018 Scholarships

The Buck Weaver Scholarship is presented to Sea Choi at Lynnwood H.S.

Post 8870 2018 Scholarships

The Fred Dedrich Scholarship to Kiara Dailer at Meadowdale H.S.

Post 8870 2018 Scholarships

The Fred Apgar Scholarship to Olivia Olson at Edmonds Woodway H.S.

Post 8870 2018 Scholarships

The Amos Chapman Scholarship to Joseph Schafer at Kamiak H.S.

Post 8870 2018 Scholarships were awarded during those school’s Senior Awards Ceremonies. Fred Diedrich was unable to attend. Don Stapleton was there in his place. 


Installation of 2018-19 Officers

Installation of 2018-19 Officers

At the May Post meeting officers were installed for the 2018-19 fiscal year, following elections at the April Meeting. Past Dept of Washington Commander and current Post1040 Commander John Beam was our installing officer. The 2017-18 command group remains in place other than two newly elected Trustees, Mark Williams and Don Stapleton.

Installation of 2018-19 Officers

Post officers being sworn in by Past Dept Commander John Beam are, left to right standing: Service Officer Paul Russo, Adjutant Dick Simmons, Trustees Dan White, Mark Williams and Don Stapleton, Quartermaster Dennis Peterson, Jr. Vice Commander Rose Gilliland, Sr. Vice Commander Carl Kurfess and Commander Mike Denton.



Paine Field Air Show

Among other events in a very busy May, Post 8870 members Duane Bowman, Don Stapleton, Alden Gilliland and Jr. Vice Commander Rose Gilliland represented VFW at the air show. Comrade Stapleton tells us the event was lightly attended, but the Post is grateful for the dedication of our Comrades in seeing that the Post was represented.

Paine Field Air Show

Another Successful Memorial Day Poppy Distribution

On Friday and Saturday May 25 and 26, thirty of our VFW Post 8870 comrades distributed Buddy Poppies at four location, which included our usual presence at the QFC at Westgate in Edmonds, QFC at Mukilteo Speedway and the Fred Meyer at 164th and Alderwood Mall Blvd. We added a new location, the QFC at 196th and 76th Ave West in lieu of Central Market in Mill Creek.

Thanks to the dedicated effort of so many, we collected over $14,000 for our relief fund, which will allow us to continue our numerous efforts on the part of veterans in need and the community around us. If I may revert to my sailor persona and use a Naval term, “Bravo Zulu” to all hands.

Left to right, Commander Mike Denton, Quartermaster Dennis Peterson, Mike Reagan and Bob Little staff one of two doors at the Mukilteo Speedway QFC.


News from the Auxiliary!

Post Auxiliary Seeks MembersHey, Post members, get your relatives (men and women) to join the Auxiliary. What an incentive that would be for the Post and Auxiliary to work together on projects !

The elected and installed Auxiliary officers for the 2018/2019 year are:

President: Valerie Ehlers 206-853-5673
Sr. Vice Pres.: Trudy Holden
Jr. Vice Pres.: Carrie Bridgeford
Secretary/Treasure:, Patsy Ethridge-Neal 206-919-6533
Chaplin: Alan Bridgeford
Conductress: Jo Boyett
Guard: Nancy Diedrich
Trustee 3 year: Nancy Diedrich
Trustee 2 year: Jo Boyett
Trustee 1 year: Trudy Holden

All other positions are appointed.

If you haven’t been to a meeting in a while, you might find it more fun. We’d like to see you! Our meetings only last about 45 minutes after we have lunch at 11:30 am on the second Thursday of the month. We still meet at the Edmonds Senior Center in the View Room. See you soon!

Hero’s Cafe

Hero’s Cafe

World War II Navy veteran Terry Luck (left) talks with Post 88870 Korean War Army veteran Philip Sacks during The Hero’s Cafe (photo by Andy Bronson / The Herald)

The Hero’s Cafe is a monthly gathering for all veterans to focus on fostering positive outreach, interaction, and welfare within the neighboring community. Vets are welcome to drop in any time between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The next Hero’s Cafe takes place on June 26. There will be food and coffee at each gathering. For questions or more information, contact Gary Walderman.

Memorial Day Poppy Distribution

Memorial Day Poppy Distribution Many thanks to all of you who have volunteered to spend the Friday and Saturday of Memorial Day weekend distributing poppies at our four locations around the area.

There is a late major change this year in that we will no longer man the Central Market in Mill Creek and instead will shift to the QFC at 196th and 76th on the Lynnwood / Edmonds line. We ask those of you who volunteered for Central Market to instead man the new QFC Lynnwood location. 

For those of you who have yet to volunteer, we can still use more help and feel free to bring family members along. We will be accepting signups at the May Post meeting or you can contact our Poppy Committee Chair, Bob CrawfordL <[email protected]> or your commander.

Once again our locations are:

QFC Westgate, Edmonds
QFC Mukilteo Speedway
QFC 196th & 76, Lynnwood
Fred Meyer, 164th & Alderwood Mall Blvd.

We are grateful to the Kroger organization for their generous support of VFW.