Newsletter Articles

VFW Night at the Aquasox

I know it is a bit early to think about Aquasox games in August but you need to mark the 17th of August on your calendar so you save the date. It will be VFW night at the Everett Aquasox. A VFW honor guard will present the colors and one of our Comrades will throw out the first pitch. Following the game will be a fireworks show and for those of you who never attended a game, the fireworks are first rate. This is a great time to bring the spouse, the kids, and the grandkids. We will need a count of members by June in order to reserve sufficient tickets. We already have more than 30 attending so it should be fun. We will start passing out signup sheets at the May meeting. Tickets are $10 and we will seat down the first base line.

Memorial Day Ceremony

Our Post has been advised by the Edmonds Cemetery Board that Korean War veterans will be honored at this year’s Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday May 27th. The ceremony will begin at 11:00 AM. Of course, we invite all Post members to participate in the ceremony, but we hope that all Korean War veterans and the family members of deceased Korean War veterans will make a special effort to attend the ceremony. Every Korean War veteran and surviving family members of deceased Korean War veterans will be recognized. We will need volunteers to place flags at the cemetery at 7:00AM in the morning and take them down at 4:00PM in the afternoon. If you can mark your calendars now for either or both shifts, your help would be appreciated.

The Last Word—Commander’s Column by Fred Apgar

There is some good news emanating from Washington, D. C. and the Pentagon, which highlights the importance of expressing one’s views and involving oneself in the public discourse process. I am referring to a decision by our newly appointed Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, to suspend the establishment of a new medal called the Distinguished Warfare Medal. Last month, just prior to his resignation as Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta announced the establishment of this medal. In making his announcement, Secretary Panetta indicated that the medal would, “Recognize unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilots, as well as others who directly impact combat operations, but that do not involve acts of valor or physical risk that combat entails.”

Opposition to this announcement was immediate and highly vocal. The primary issue involving the Distinguished Warfare Medal was its placement in the order of precedence among military medals. The newly created medal, which would have been the first combat related award to be created since the Bronze Star in 1944, would outrank the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Many veterans’ groups including the National VFW expressed vehement opposition, feeling that the new medal was both an injustice and insult to those who served in combat, risked their lives, and displayed valor.

Secretary Hagel “heard” the protests, stopped production of the medal, and ordered the Joint Chiefs of Staff to review the issue and submit appropriate recommendations. While the final decision regarding the Distinguished Warfare Medal is yet to be made, we can be pleased that the views of so many veterans and lawmakers had a positive impact on the decision-making process.

One of the lessons we can take from this situation is that we should always remain involved in the “political” process regarding matters that affect us either locally or at the national level. As responsible citizens, we should make the effort to express our views and opinions to those whom we have elected to serve us.

The views expressed in this column are solely those of the Commander and do not represent those of VFW Post #8870, its membership, or VFW.

Save the Date

Our Post has been advised by the Edmonds Cemetery Board that Korean War veterans will be honored at this year’s Memorial Day Ceremony on Mon-day May 27th. The ceremony will begin at 11:00 AM. Of course, we invite all Post members to participate in the ceremony, but we hope that all Korean War veterans and the family members of deceased Korean War veterans will make a special effort to attend the ceremony. Every Korean War veteran and surviving family members of deceased Korean War veterans will be recognized. The Edmonds Cemetery Board would like to feature the use of a funeral flag from the family of a deceased Korean War veteran. If you know of anyone who might let us use the flag for the ceremony, please contact Fred Apgar (206-940-7502). Just a heads up, as well. We will need volunteers to place flags at the cemetery in the morning and take them down in the afternoon. If you can mark your calendars now for either or both shifts, your help would be appreciated.

Post Sponsors Mike Reagan Presentation by Fred Apgar

VFW Post #8870 has organized a special program to recognize the wonderful work of Post member, Mike Reagan and his Fallen Heroes Foundation. The presentation will be held on Wednesday April 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park. We will be provided with an opportunity to hear Mike discuss his work. The Foundation, which Mike created almost ten years ago, provides hand drawn portraits of our nation’s Fallen Heroes; those men and women, who while serving in the military, have sacrificed their lives in our nation’s War Against Terrorism.

To date, Mike’s Fallen Heroes Project has given away more than 3300 portraits, which has brought untold comfort to these Gold Star families. Michael completes two portraits every day, and what has now become his passion, finds him in his Edmonds studio seven days a week.

Over the years, our Post has provided financial assistance to the Fallen Heroes Foundation. Post members are encouraged to demonstrate their continued support of Mike and his great work by attending the April 10th presentation.

VFW Night at the Aquasox

Mark the 17th of August on your calendar so you save the date. It will be VFW night at the Everett Aquasox. A VFW honor guard will present the colors and one of our Comrades will throw out the first pitch. Following the game will be a fireworks show and for those of you who never attended a game, the fireworks are first rate. This is a great time to bring the spouse, the kids, and the grandkids. We will need a count of members by June in order to reserve sufficient tickets. We already have more than 30 at-tending so it should be fun. We will start passing out signup sheets at the April meeting. Tickets are $10 and we will seat down the first base line. We guarantee 75 degrees and no wind that night.

New Members

Ann Marie Jackson

Ann Marie Jackson

Ann Marie entered active duty with the US Army in 2004 and is currently stationed at JBLM. Her hometown is Las Vegas, NV. She served in Iraq in 2008 and Afghanistan in 2012. Other posts include Korea and Germany overseas and Ft Campbell, KY. She has worked in military police, medic and human resources positions. Awards include Army Achieve-ment Medal (4) and Good Conduct Medal. She has a BA in Criminal Justice. Ann Marie lives in Tacoma and has 3 children with 1 granddaughter on the way.


Mark Schildknecht

Mark Schildknecht

Mark grew up in the Sequim area and resides there now. Mark enlisted in the US Marines in 1963 and served until 1967. He served two tours of duty in Vietnam 1966-67. He was in avionics and aircrew (CH-46 helicopter). Units included 1st MAW, HMM164 and MAGII. Awards include the Combat Air Crew Insignia, Good Conduct Medal and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Dominican Republic). Mark is Commandant of the Mount Olympus Detach-ment #897 of the Marine Corps League in Port Ange-les. He is retired from trucking. Mark and Diana have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.


The Post is at 95% of its goal for membership. We need 8 additional members to reach our 100% mark . If you are one of the unpaid, please help us reach our goal. We now take credit cards so if you would like to pay by plastic, send an email to our Quartermaster at [email protected] and he can take care of you. Of course, we still take checks and cash. If you can’t pay, let us know and we will make arrangements to see that your membership continues. The ball is in your court.

Why VFW?

We can’t obtain 100% membership yet VFW speaks loudly for every veteran in this country whether they are a member or not. By now, I assume that every-one is familiar with sequestration and the impact it is having on both our armed forces and our veterans. Our Commander in Chief and our Washington DC staff is working hard to fight to retain the benefits we earned. I repeat, the benefits we earned. Individually , the veteran is helpless. As a group, we wield political power and Congress only understands and listens to those that can hurt them or help them as the case may be. So if you really don’t give a rip about joining an organization for yourself, consider joining for the vet who is on a waiting list for a couple of years at the VA. It’s a small contribution of $25.

Chaplain’s Column—Rock Roth

Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia spoke at the inauguration of the Thomas More Society in the Diocese of Green Bay in October 2010. The Thomas More Society consists of judges, attorneys, and public officials who turn to Saint Thomas More as a mentor and model in their work as public servants, a model of integrity and courage. Judge Scalia mentioned in his address that our culture looks upon believers as “unsophisticated cretins,” foolish people who believe in Jesus Christ and the story of His Resurrection. It appears to me that history has not changed.

I am very concerned about our society and the direction it has selected, one that would restrict – eliminate – even the mention of God in the community, a Godless America. Who do we blame for this? How did we get into this position? How do we change our culture to one where God is again an integral part?
I do not have an answer; I wish I did! I do know, however, that we should blame ourselves for the position we are in, as unpopular as that may be. We seldom exhibit the courage to serve as God’s Ambassador to the world, to stand up for our beliefs. We are too interested in the other person’s feelings, being concerned that we might offend ‘someone’ if we state that we are Christians (or Jews). During this Easter Season, as we re-member the life, death, and most importantly the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus the Christ – for Christians, and Passover for the Jewish Community – I pray that God will give each of us the courage to worry less about being ‘politically correct’ and more about being morally right, and as Judge Scalia mentioned, “a model of integrity and courage.” That we might reflect God’s Glory to a needy world!

March 30 is Vietnam Veterans’ Day

While this is a bit after the fact, the Washington Legislature has deemed the 30th as Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Day. About the only thing of significance is the POW/MIA flag is required to be flown by all public entities. Since the 30th is on a Saturday and a lot of the agencies were closed i.e. the schools, I’m not sure the average citizen even noticed. My daughters came over to my house for Easter and they are the most pro-veteran women in America and only one had seen a brief article in the newspaper that mentioned it. However, for those of us who came back on a “Freedom Bird”, it is a day for us to re-member our trip home and remember those who didn’t come back with us. Now that we have some advanced knowledge of the date, perhaps we can do a bit more in the coming year in welcoming home our brothers and sisters in a more dignified manner.