Memorial Day Poppy Distribution

As has been our longstanding practice, the Post will be distributing poppies on Friday and Saturday, May 24 & 25 of Memorial Day weekend. We will be at four locations: The QFC stores at Mukilteo Speedway, Edmonds Westgate & West Lynnwood (196th & 76th) and at the Fred Meyer at 164th and Alderwood Mall Blvd.(All of these locations are Kroger Co. stores and we are grateful for their support. Other notable grocery chains have turned us down in the past)
You can sign up any time on the Post website. Sign up sheets will also be available once again at the May Post meeting. This really needs to be an “All Hands Evolution” as we say in the USN, so please step up and take a couple of shifts. We very much need more help at the West Lynnwood QFC. If you have willing friends and family, we can use all the help we can get.
Poppy distribution is the sole source of funds for our Relief Fund and we need lots of people handing out poppies and taking money.
It is a fun and rewarding experience to honor our fallen as we raise funds, with the added opportunity to hear donors’ stories of their own or family members’ service and share our own.
In Flanders Fields the Poppies blow, among the crosses, row on row…