Last month we reported on plans to repeat the successful VFW fund raising raffle of 2023, now aimed at providing operating funds for both VFW Post 8870 and AL Post 66. As you all know, our principal fundraising project, Buddy Poppies, raises considerable sums, all of which are and must be devoted to our Relief Fund. Previously, we have depended on the individual generosity of our membership and individual supporters to fund Post operations.
Post 66 began distributing raffle tickets to members at this past week’s “Movie Night at the Hall” for their drawing to be held on July 4 at the Post’s centennial celebration.The grand prize will be an original framed portrait drawing by Mike Reagan, of film actor and well known supporter of Veteran causes, Gary Senise (AKA Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump).
Post 8870′ s drawing will be held once again at the Christmas party in December and we will begin distributing those raffle tickets for sale in late summer. The winner of that raffle will receive Reagan’s drawing of country singer Toby Keith, another celebrity with veteran’s interests at heart, composer and singer of songs extolling our military and veterans.
Meanwhile, we urge members of both posts to participate in supporting the project as a whole. Below are images of Reagan’s drawings of these two men. As fans of Keith are aware, he passed away in February as a result of stomach cancer. His songs are known for their patriotism and support of America’s military, active and veteran.