Veterans Day Buddy Poppies 

Veterans Day Buddy Poppies

Buddy Poppy Chair and Sr. Vice Commander Duane Bowman wants you all to know that we will be distributing Buddy Poppies and raising money for our Relief Fund in advance of Veterans Day which is closing in on us fast! 

Veterans Day Buddy Poppies

We will be at three stores again this year, including QFC Westgate in Edmonds, QFC Speedway in Mukilteo and Town & Country Market in Mill Creek. These three locations have always been our best producing stores. 

The dates will be November 4th and 5th. We will operate from 1100 to 1800 on Friday, Nov. 4th and 1030 to 1800 on Saturday the 5th. Members, are urged to sign up for as much time as they can spare and encouraged to bring spouses and other family members and friends to help. If you can’t handle a full shift, come and do what you can!

Sign up forms will be available at the September and October Post meeting. We encourage everyone.