Newsletter Articles

Elections for 2018-19 Post Officers Slated

At the March Post meeting, nominations for next year’s Post officers were held.

As a reminder, the elective officers are: Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Quartermaster, Chaplain and three Trustees. (All other officers are appointed by the commander)

At the March staff meeting, all currently serving elected officers present indicated a willingness to continue serving in their present office and those names will be placed in nomination. Since the March Post meeting, Jim Mc Cann has tendered his resignation as a Trustee.

If you have an interest in serving as an elected officer, or would like to nominate another comrade, be prepared to do so at the meeting when nominations from the floor are called.

Currently serving:

Commander: Michael Denton
Sr. Vice Commander: Carl Kurfess
Jr. Vice Commander: Rose Gilliland
Quartermaster: Dennis Peterson
Chaplain: Dan Doyle

We will need to elect two new Trustees. Don Stapleton has indicated that he would accept that nomination and we need to replace Jim McCann, who has found it necessary to resign from his post. We anticipate that Daniel White will continue in his Trustee role.

Wreaths Across America

At the March Post meeting, we heard and saw a presentation on the “Wreaths Across America” program presented by Lorraine Zimmerman. Our Post has supported this program both financially and with member participation, to assist them in executing their efforts and help us all to:

REMEMBER our fallen U.S. veterans 

HONOR those who serve 

TEACH your children the value of freedom 


Wreaths Across America

American Legion Post 66 Commander Jim Collins presents Zimmerman with a check from Post 66, as Commander Denton looks on. Post 8870’s contribution was presented separately.

Wreaths Across America


“No One Does More for Veterans”

by Mike Denton 

VFW No One Does More for VeteransFrom time to time, It is good to be reminded of our core purpose, as occurred recently to your commander.

One day in late March, I received a call from my wife Linda at her office at Holy Rosary Church in Edmonds, to tell me of a veteran who had come to the Church seeking help. Having connected this Iraq War veteran to Catholic Community Services to do what they could, Linda thought to turn to me to seek more immediate help from VFW for this army veteran .

I learned that this was a family of four, including three young children, with no real income at the moment, who desperately needed food, money for utility bills and gas for their car.

In the course of two days, I had the opportunity to see what can be done for veterans in need. By teaming with our outstanding Service Officer, Don Whedon, all of this family’s immediate needs were met and the veteran introduced to the sources of help he needs to get on his feet.

My point? There is a place for all of us to serve in our Veterans Relief services. If you learn of a veteran in need, don’t hesitate to contact our Service Officers, Don Whedon and Paul Russo to find help. Likewise, your commander is available to coordinate efforts where needed. Let’s all remember why the VFW exists. No one does more for veterans.

And…A Hands-On Opportunity to Help Fellow Veterans

Veterans Build programVETERANS BUILD 

The Veterans Build program offers former and current military members and their families the opportunity to learn new construction skills, adjust to life after the military, remain socially connected and pay it forward by helping other vets.

Build days on are Saturdays and Wednesdays, no prior experience is needed.If you are interested in volunteering on a build, contact Katie Rickel: [email protected].

Post Acquires Canopy for Public Events

Post Acquires Canopy for Public EventsWe recently accepted delivery of an official VFW canopy for use at a variety of events in our community. This equipment will allow us to shelter from both rain and sun at events such as the Paine Field Air Show, which is to see its first use on May 19. (Talk to Don Stapleton if you would like to participate.)

Other uses may include more exposed venues for Poppy distribution, the Edmonds Farmers Market and other events. This photo is from the VFW Store catalog; we have yet to set it up for the first time. If you have ideas on local events at which we can make use of this canopy, give your Commander a shout.


From the Bookshelf

by Mike Denton 

Drone Warrior
by Brett Velcovich


Drone Warrior by Brett VelicovichThe War on Terrorism has been one of the longest conflicts in American history. Since 2001, U.S. forces have been fighting on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, along with much smaller engagements in places as far-flung as Somalia, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Cameroon.

Drone Warrior is a highly personal memoir that still manages to be almost all action. Readers only get but the briefest glimpse into Velicovich’s prewar life. On 9/11, he was just an ordinary college student at the University of Houston. However, watching and digesting Al-Qaeda’s attack convinced Velicovich that there has to be something more to life than just finding a nice job in corporate America and settling down to a wife and kids. He went to find this other life in the U.S. Army.

Drone Warrior is a captivating portrayal of an American warrior at the very cutting-edge of the War on Terror. It is also the story of a normal man impacted by continuous warfare and the difficulties of conforming to civilian life. warriors.


Do our youth understand their country’s military?

From Seattle Times op-ed, by Brian Fleming

The “volunteer” in our all volunteer force is what makes the military successful. As an officer in the U.S. Army, I meet young people in the Seattle area every day who do not understand their country’s military. If they don’t understand it, why would they consider serving in it?

The reality is only 29 percent of youth meet the qualifications to serve in our nation’s military. An even bigger issue is that about 50 percent of youth admit to knowing little to nothing about their military.

If you take the time to talk to veterans, I promise they will high-light the military’s high standards, competitive nature, and their experience with risk and reward. Reflecting on their experiences, older veterans at a recent VFW event described their time in military service as a transformative experience and the high point of their character development.

Statistics show veterans are more likely to vote, volunteer, and be involved in their communities. They have higher median incomes than their nonveteran counter parts. Veterans set the example for what we should want from our youth. So why aren’t more of us encouraging them to consider service as an option?

(It is part of VFW’s mission help educate young people in their civic obligations, part of which may, and should be, to participate in the defense of the nation. Our thanks to Lt. Col. Fleming for reminding us of the work at hand. ed.) 

Lt. Col. Brian Fleming is the commander of the U.S. Army Seattle Recruiting Battalion. He is a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and served most recently in U.S. Special Operations CommandAfrica. 

Vietnam War Veterans Day: Remembering Those Who Served

by Dan Doyle

Vietnam War Veterans Day: Remembering Those Who Served

From the time the first Marines set foot in Vietnam in 1965 to the day the last troops left on March 29, 1973, the Vietnam War was devastating. (Unfortunately, the Marine landings in 1965 were not the beginning of our involvement in Vietnam, which goes back at least to 1959. Many of us served in the theater prior to 1965. ed.) Guerrilla warfare tactics, disease, dangerous animals, the elements, and other dangers took 58,220 lives, with 47,434 of those dying in battle. Later, weapons like Agent Orange would prove to be silent killers, taking the lives of veterans after they returned home.

“Vietnam veterans bore the horrors of battle in Vietnam, only to come home to shoulder the burden of an unpopular war that was no fault of their own. The way they were treated has often been called a national disgrace, and rightly so,” said Gary Hicks of the Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs. “They did their duty because their country asked them to. That’s what patriots do; they serve when their nation calls.”

In 2017, Congress passed legislation that was signed by the President, designating March 29 of each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day, a time set aside for the nation to continue showing its gratitude for 2.7 million U.S. service members who served in Vietnam and to remember those who did not come home.

So, on March 29, on the anniversary of the last U.S. ground troops leaving for home, we celebrated National Vietnam War Veterans Day to honor all those who sacrificed, fought, bled, and died in the service of their country. We are grateful for them and for their service, and we, as a nation, give our thanks to all who served.

To all Vietnam War veterans, we simply offer a heartfelt “thank you.”

Coming up: Memorial Day

One of the most important days of the year both from a fund raising standpoint and recognition of our fallen comrades, is Memorial Day. A time to remember all of our fallen brothers sisters of all wars.

If you have yet to sign up to help with poppy distribution, please do so at the April Post meeting, or by email to Bob Crawford or Commander Denton. We have four locations to staff: QFC Westgate in Edmonds, QFC Speedway in Mukilteo, Fred Meyer in North Lynnwood and Central Market in Miil Creek. This year all locations will operate on Friday and Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.

On Memorial Day itself, Monday, May 28, we will gather at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery for our usual Flag ceremony and at which time we will especially honor our fallen from the recent conflicts in the Persian Gulf region and all who have died in post 9/11 service.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day: March 29

National Vietnam War Veterans Day: March 29National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29 honors the men and women who served and sacrificed during the longest conflict in United States history. Involving five U.S. presidents, and over five million American service men & women, it left an indelible mark on the American psyche. On March 29, 1973, combat and combat support units withdrew from South Vietnam. Generations later, Veterans of this time period are gaining the respect that was not so freely given upon their return. There were 58,000 killed, never to return. National Vietnam War Veterans Day recognizes the military service of the men and women who answered the call to serve their country.

Around the country, commemorative events, speeches and luncheons are being held inviting Vietnam Veterans as honored guests. Thank a Vietnam Veteran. Buy them a drink or lunch. Send them a shout out using #VietnamWarVeteransDay on social media.

U.S. Sens. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., introduced legislation in 2017 to honor Vietnam Veterans with a day on the anniversary of the withdrawal of military units from South Vietnam.


Post Charter Draped at February Post Meeting

Post Charter Draped at February Post MeetingFor the second time this year, the post draped its Charter at the February meeting. This time we honored the memory of three of our Post comrades:

Joseph Kuchinski, A Navy veteran of Korea and Vietnam, who died in December and was buried at Mt. Tahoma on Jan. 26.

Richard Clyde, Life Member and WWII Veteran died January 24 at his home in Langley on Whidbey Island.

Earl Prebezac, Army Veteran of WWII died Feb 9 at the age of 94 and was buried at Mt. Tahoma on February 21.

Obituaries for Comrades Kuchinski and Clyde appeared in the Feb. Post newsletter. Comrade Prebezac’s obituary can be found elsewhere in this newsletter.