November Post Meeting
Our speaker for November was Kyle Gaul, the son of Post member Charlie Gaul. Kyle has played bagpipes, since he was a young boy and continues to perform at events around the area.
We also featured our Voice of Democracy winners at this meeting.
First place award went to Josephine Chia, (left in the photo left) with the essay of Aaliyah Wright (at right) in second place.
Both young women presented their essay to the assembled members. The Voice of Democracy contest includes the verbal performance of the essay in addition to the written piece.
As the winner of our Post VOD contest, Chia was entered in the District contest and won second place in District 1. She is shown at below receiving that award at the January District Meeting and with Commander Duane Bowman and Post Essay chair Don Stapleton below right.

Minutes of the Post Business Meeting
Meeting Start @1800 hours
- Post member Don Stapleton introduced the winners of the Voice of Democracy competition, Joshpine Chia, First place and Aaliyah Wrightin second.
- Each student read their entry.
- Both essays will be forwarded onto District 1.
Business Meeting started @1830 hours
- The Quartermasters report was reviewed and approved by the membership.
- The following expenditures were approved:
– Motion to approve $1.00 payment to Michael Reagan for the Seahawks drawing. Moved by Don Stapleton and second by Rich Bologna.
– In other financial matters, the membership voted to approve payments to reimburse Carl Kurfess for Post meal costs, a donation to support the new formerly Incarcerated Veterans support program anther to Northwest Veterans Museum. All approved by unanimous vote of the members present.
- A motion was made and approved to create an additional scholarship in Jim Traner’ s name based upon the additional donation from Jim’s former company Traner Smith.
- Discussed the upcoming December Christmas Party and reviewed the status of the Seahawks raffle drawing.
- Reviewed the upcoming Mid-winter VFW conference in Wenatchee.
- Discussed the recognition of Police/Fire/EMT and Teacher of the Year.
- Discussed a grant application to Safeway for gift cards to distribute to veterans. (That application has been submitted)
- Reviewed a proposal from American Legion Post 66 regarding monetary payment from VFW.
- Quartermaster Joe Gray discussed updating the Post email system.
- There will be no Post meeting in December due to the Christmas Party on December 16, 2023. Next Post meeting will be on January 17, 2024.