August Post Meeting
Speaker: Dennis Gibb – On Formerly Incarcerated Veterans
Comrade Gibb, who served as a scout helicopter pilot in Vietnam and after a long career in the financial services, now works at Edmonds College, helping formerly incarcerated veterans to reestablish their lives following release. He presently works with some 40 such vets at the College who are furthering their education.
Dennis spoke to the Post meeting to propose that we add a new piece to our relief fund beneficiaries in the form of assistance to some of his formerly incarcerated veteran clients at the college. He proposed starting with one such veteran who would be selected from the college group in consultation with the Relief Committee. Dennis sees this assistance as aimed at helping getting these vets into housing and other basic needs until they are gainfully employed and able to function on their own. The post leadership has approved this proposal and will present the plan to the membership at the September meeting. We would begin with one veteran in the program and limit the support to one year.
The Ceremony was performed for Draping The Charter in memory of our beloved Comrade Jim Traner & Comrade Reagan’s portrait of Jim displayed. The minutes from the July meeting were read.
The minutes were approved by the membership.
The Quartermasters report was reviewed and approved by the membership.
District 1. The District meeting will be on 09/09/2023 @ Post 2100 in Everett. Following the meeting there will be a School of Instruction that will go over the responsibilities/duties of Post officers.
New Business:
Comrade Joe Gray was nominated by Rose Gilliland to fill the vacant Quartermaster position. The nomination was 2nd by Brian Rowe. Upon a vote of the membership Joe Gray was elected as the new Post Quartermaster.
The following appointments were made by Post Commander Duane Bowman. Office of the Day: Jeff McKinney Membership : Jeff McKinney Judge Advocate: Rose Gilliland
It was proposed by Dennis Peterson that we move $2,000.00 from the Post Foundation Fund to the Post General Fund. By a vote of the membership the funds will be transferred by the Quartermaster.
The scholarships awarded in 2023 will be named the “Jim Traner Scholarship” in honor of Comrade Jim Traner.
In the photo above at left, Charlie Gaul displays a leaded glass ornament he created honoring Traner’ s Vietnam unit, the 11th Armored Cavalry.