VFWPost 8870 color guard, with our comrades from Post 66 American Legion, once again lead the parade (L-R) Adjutant Cal Barnard, Chaplain; Dan Doyle, Sr. V. Commander Duane Boman; and Commander Carl Kurfess
For many years our local veterans groups have provided the color guard to lead our “Edmonds Kind of 4th Parade and 2022 was no exception.
This year’s parade featured over 80 entries of local groups, from our local community.
Parade announcers were, once again, Past Commanders Jim Blossey and Mike Denton, who have performed that role for over ten years.
VFWPost 8870 color guard, with our comrades from Post 66 American Legion, once again lead the parade
Right is one of the entries in the children’s parade, which precedes the main parade and features our local youngsters, who bring considerable creativity to their entries. (no doubt with a bit of help from Mom & Dad) Always nice to see these young patriots waving their flag.
Below is the Northwest Jr. Pipe band, providing a bit of Marching music.
Les Abel catching a ride with Terry Crabtree
Followed by the annual BBQ
Of course, we can’t have Independence Day without our annual picnic/barbecue at the Legion Hall. Approximately 60 members of Post 66 American Legion and VFW Post 8870 and their guests enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and assorted other sides following the parade. Your editor was pleased that his comrades had left some food for him, since he always arrives a bit late after announcing duties.
In the photo below are a few of the members and guests who attended.
It is that time of the year, once again, when Post expenses tend to exceed revenues significantly, as annual payment for such things as the Post officers security bonds, purchase of supplies for Buddy Poppy events etc., come due, and our general fund is rapidly being depleted.
Other than the modest share of annual dues that is returned to the Post, our general fund is entirely dependent on donations from members and friends of the Post. A great many of our present roster being Life Members, who pay no annual dues to VFW, they do not generate even that modest sum. Further complicating matters, is the ongoing impact of the COVID pandemic, which has significantly reduced meeting attendance, where our monthly raffle and meal donations also contribute to our coffers.
If members could see their way to a modest donation (or even one not so modest) to the general fund, it would be very helpful. It’s our post, let’s take care of it.
At present, our Relief Fund is in good shape and we expect ongoing Buddy Poppy events to keep it so, however, those funds cannot be used for Post operations.
History of the 115th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry
by Isaac Henry Clay Royse
Recently Past Commander Fred Apgar gifted your editor with a copy of this book, I having mentioned to him that my great-grandfather, Micager Denton, served in this unit from the time of Lincoln’s early call for volunteers to prosecute the war against the confederacy. Denton and his brother, David, enlisted on the same day in June 1862 and served in Company A, until the regiment was mustered out in in July 1864.
Royse, the book’s author, was a Lieutenant in Company E of the regiment. The book is based on official rescords and the memories of Royse and his comrades. Micager Denton died about the time Royse started work on the book, which was published in 1900) so Micager’s personal experience is not included.
Since moving away from Edmonds, Fred has been touring civil war battlefields, all over the southeast, including the Battle of Chickamauga, fought September 19–20, 1863, in southeastern Tennessee, in which the 115th Illinois played a significant role. Chicamauga was one of the bloodier battles of the war featuring Union forces under General William Rosecrans and Gen. Braxton Braggs Confederate troops. The two sides suffered over 35,000 casualties in those two days, distributed as shown below:
Union Casualties:
17,170 1,857 killed 9,956 wounded 5,157 captured or missing
Bragg out-generaled Rosecrancs, as the southern generals often did, but as was also so often the case, took more casualties than the south could readily replace, thereby bringing the eventual Union victory that much closer.
Royse vividly describes three years of marching around Tennessee and Kentucky, chasing small Confederate units, skirmishing along the way, in the lead-up to Chicamauga and the subsequent battles to neart Nashville., which preced Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
Also included in the book is an exploration of the experience of Union troops captured and held as prisoners of war in such notorious places as the Andersonville POW camp. The experience of a POW is never pleasant and that of captured troops in the Civil War was no exception, on both sides.
Royse’ descriptions of camp life would probably not seem unfamiliar to any infantry soldier in the field to this day, absent modern communications, transport and medical care, (though one has to think that today’s MRE rations would beat the civil war soldiers’ hard tack and salt meat, supplemented with local foraging).
If such histories interest you, this is one well worth reading. Following Apgar’s travels around the civil war battlefields, as her reports them on Facebook, which is what started us on this journey, has also been a worthwhile activity.
Much of the June meeting was devoted to planning for coming summer activities, including the Edmonds Kind of 4th parade for which VFW Post 8870 and American Legion Post 66 have performed lead color guard duties for many years. A full report with all available photos will be published in the July issue of this newsletter in the coming weeks. In addition to the parade planning which follows the outline laid out in the May issue. Return of our annual joint picnic/barbecue was also planned. Several of our staff, including Commander Carl Kurfess and Adjutant Jim Traner (who also serves as a Department Trustee, were to attend the Department of Washington Convention, which was held in Spokane this year. Those attending act as our Post delegates for the purpose of electing Department staff for the coming year and other official business.
Other Summer activities – Edmonds Summer Market
We want to hold one or more recruiting events (and Poppy distributions) at the Edmonds Summer Market sometime in the August-October timeline. We should be firming those plans up at the July Post meeting and will need your support. Stay tuned for further details.
You will notice in the photo at lower right on page one, the presence of a new speakersystem, for which Commander Carl received purchase approval at the May meeting. We have a number of members who have hearing challenges (most vets do to some degree, especially those of us who served before the days of hearing protection devices. (Those weapons are loud!) The new system is providing better amplification of speakers during meetings.
Post Officer Changes
Cal Barnard, our elected Quartermaster, has been asked to take over as Adjutant by the commander. He has accepted that appointed position and has resigned as our elected Quartermaster. We will elect a new Quartermaster at the July post meeting.
A monthly meet up to connect military, veteran and civilian cultures. Speakers each month share knowledge. Learn something, meet someone new and make a difference.
Watch for a review of the upcoming July 13 event, to be held at the Edmonds Veterans Plaza, announnced earlier via email.
The next event will be on August 10 at the Edmonds Food Bank, 828 Caspers St, from 10:30 to 12:30 PM and will feature a panel of Veteran Services, including Lori Tiffin, YMCA, Shawnee Baza, Dept of Veteran Affairs and James Armstrong of Workforce and DVA.
Coffee and baked treats at 10:30; Lunch at 11:45, speaker at 12:00 PM.
Did You Know? is a collaboration of Edmonds Food Bank and Operation Military Families.
The VFW is mourning the loss of the last living WWII Medal of Honor recipient Hershel “Woody” Williams, who passed away at the age of 98. After WWII, he continued to serve the veteran community through his work at VA, his nonprofit the Woody Williams Foundation, and his tireless advocacy efforts for Gold Star families. Williams was a Gold Legacy member of VFW Post 7048, which bears his name, located in Fairmont, West Virginia. “
On behalf of the entire 1.5 million-member VFW family, our deepest condolences go out to Woody’s entire family, and we salute one of the last greatest of the ‘Greatest Generation,’” said VFW National Commander Matthew “Fritz” Mihelcic.
The youngest of 11 children, Woody was born on a dairy farm in Quiet Dell, West Virginia, on October 2, 1923. He continueg to serve following WWII and retired from the Marine Corps after 17 years of service, with the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4.
During WWII, Woody served in New Caledonia, Guadalcanal, and Guam before landing in Iwo Jima where his “valiant devotion to duty” earned him the Medal of Honor. It was presented to him by President Harry Truman in a ceremony at the White House on October 5, 1945.
From time to time we are able to get our hands on photos of Post comrades from their days of active service, giving us a glimpse of the young service members we once were.
This photograph of Les Abel is dated, Les tells us, from 1951, when he was a young Airman stationed in Germany for a then even younger USAF.
Les has been a very active member of VFW Post 8870 for many years and in recent years has been the perennial Commander of American Legion Post 66.
2022-23 Department of Washington Commander Paul Herrera
Herrera is an Army veteran from Post 2224 in Puyallup.
VFW Department of Washington 2022-23 Officers were elected at the State Convention in Spokane in June. Here is a list of the principal command staff. A complete list of all elected and appointed officers can be found on the Department of Washington web site. https://vfwwa.org/
Paul Herrera, Commander – Army, Post 2224, Puyallup Craig Dougherty, Sr. Vice Commander – Army – Post 6785, Kent Perry Taylor, Jr. Vice Commander- Navy- Post 7392, Oak Harbor Fred Green, State Adjutant, Quartermaster – Navy – Post 9430, Seattle Drew James, Judge Advocate – Army – Post 7511, Monroe Frank Persa – Army Post 5580, Yelm
The opening ceremonies at the State Convention in Spokane.
At front right is our own District 1 Commander Otis Wolfe
In 16th and 17th century warfare when armies were preparing the ground for a pitched battle, they would dig several lines of trenches in case they needed to retreat and regroup in prepared positions. If the men found themselves in the last ditch they had no option other than to fight where they stood or to die.
The Balloon went up
Indication of imminent trouble
Before a World War I infantry attack, artillery would soften up the target area. Before opening fire, observation balloons were sent aloft to observe and correct aim. This obviously alerted the troops in the trenches that it would not be long before they would be sent over the top to attack. So “the balloon went up” came to mean imminent trouble.
Parting shot
Cutting remark issued on departure.
The army of the Parthian dynasty of Persia (modern Iran) had a number of lightly equipped horse archers. They were extremely skillful and one of their tactics was to fake a retreat and then turn in their saddle and cut down pursuers with an unexpected shot. Over time, the expression has changed from “Parthian shot” to “parting shot”.
Works cited Donald, G., Wiest, A., & Shepherd, W. (2013). S”cklers, Sideburns and Bikinis: The military origins of everyday words and phrases. Bloomsbury Publishing.
We recently ran across this poem, by a unknown author, which is a sort of sailor’s version of Colonel John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields”. While we don’t for a moment mean to denigrate the Colonel’s wonderful piece, this does present a different point of view. There are a lot of sailors resting out there with no chance of a grave marker.
In ocean waves no poppies blow, No crosses stand in ordered row. There young hearts sleep… beneath the wave… The spirited, the good, the brave, But stars a constant vigil keep, For them who lie beneath the deep.
‘Tis true you cannot kneel in prayer On certain spot and think. “He’s there.” But you can to the ocean go… See whitecaps marching row on row; Know one for him will always ride… In and out… with every tide.
And when your span of life is passed, He’ll meet you at the “Captain’s Mast.”
And they who mourn on distant shore For sailors who’ll come home no more, Can dry their tears and pray for these Who rest beneath the heaving seas… For stars that shine and winds that blow And whitecaps marching row on row.
And they can never lonely be For when they lived… they chose the sea.