Our Post raised $13,620 (and still counting as a few additional contributions are received) in the two days we braved some slightly cooler weather at four different locations. A few of our Comrades had to pull 2 all day shifts to cover for some no-shows and folks showing up at the wrong location. Some other folks, like Barry Fitzgerald, just showed up and helped out and for that we owe him and the others a big thanks.
These Buddy Poppy fund raisers are the source of funds we give to various individuals and entities that our Relief Fund Committee deems worthy. They do a good job of going through and insuring that our donations are being properly used for their intended purposes. With a few more volunteers we could lighten the work load of the same group of individuals that show up rain or shine. With an additional group of volunteers, we could add a store which would be adding $1,500 to $4,000 to the total. We do a lot of good with the funds we raise, but we could do more if we had more. Some worthy cause is always left out due to lack of funds.
In addition to collecting for our Relief Fund, we also are recruiting new members for VFW. Each table has applications and recruiting brochures and we need to make it known that VFW is a welcoming organization for new members.
We will have a table at the Fourth of July fireworks this year. We only need a couple of volunteers and I would like to see a couple of new faces handing out Poppies and raising awareness of VFW in Edmonds. This should only take a few hours and you’ll be the beneficiary of a great fireworks show. Please let Bob Crawford, our Poppy chair, know if you are interested.
Finally, our next major Buddy Poppy fund raiser will be November 6th and 7th. That should be sufficient warning to get it on your calendar.