Reporting your Community Service Hours/mileage
Instituting a new system
At the beginning or the VFW year in July, Department introduced a new method for reporting community service as VFW members. We will no longer report through the Post Surgeon, but are to report individually and directly through the Department Web site. This is a program which VFW National is considering rolling out nationwide, for which our Department has been selected as a “Beta Test” group.
To do so, log into the Members Only section of the Department of Washington site, ( vfw/v2/default.asp) using your VFW member number as your login name and your last name as your password. You will see an option for “Program Reporting” on the resulting page, which will take you to a page for entering your information like that appearing on page five of this newsletter. This page uses drop down boxes for some entries and requires typed text for others.
If you are unclear about what is reportable, you may want to review the instructional pdf on Community Service Reporting, which you will find under the Programs tab, and go over those rules in detail. This pdf was prepared for the old CSR report form, so you can ignore that part of the pdf. The actual rules discussed about what is reportable are current.
Let’s give this our best shot.