Newsletter Articles

Welcome New Member Joseph Camden

New Member Joseph CamdenJoe is an Edmonds native. He is a transfer VFW member and a retired Regular Army LTC. He served from 1967-1988 as a Military Intelligence Officer. Vietnam service was Jun 1968-Jun 1969. He was an Assistant Professor of Military Science for 2 years at the University of Washington. Joe’s awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal. Joe has a degree from Seattle University and a Masters from Clark University. Joe and Margaret reside in Edmonds and have 2 children.

Post Honored With Flag Flown Over U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

Pictured below is the mounted and framed flag presented to the Post by member Josh Crabtree, currently a Special Agent with the State Department, assigned to the Kabul embassy, along with a certificate certifying that the flag was flown over the Embassy in honor of our Post. (The flag is shown cropped from the original photo and reduced in size. Click images to view in larger size.) 

Post Honored With Flag Flown Over U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

Post Honored With Flag Flown Over U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

From the Book Shelf

Rebel Yell: The Violence, Passion, and Redemption Of Stonewall Jackson By S. C. GwynneRebel Yell: The Violence, Passion, and Redemption Of Stonewall Jackson
By S. C. Gwynne

This is a wonderful biography, exhaustively researched, that provides an intimate look at one of our nation’s most celebrated warriors, General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

For anyone with an interest in the history of the Civil War, this is a must read.

From the Bookshelf” is a recurring series of book reviews that will appear in the VFW Post #8870 newsletter from time to time. This review was written by Fred Apgar. 

USS Shoup In Action

USS Shoup In Action

No doubt our members who participated in the Shoup Tour recently will enjoy this photo of her firing a missile from her forward battery during the Pacific Rim Naval exercise (RIMPAC) off Hawaii this past summer. A relatively small ship compared to the big carriers, but she packs an impressive punch! Her sailors tell us that a missile launch leaves a heck of a mess on her foredeck!

Veterans Day Poppy Distribution Yields Record Revenues!

Jim Adams seems to have had no difficulty drawing a crowd of youngsters and attractive ladies at the Central Market location in Mill Creek.

Jim Adams seems to have had no difficulty drawing a crowd of youngsters and attractive ladies at the Central Market location in Mill Creek.

Jim Adams seems to have had no difficulty drawing a crowd of youngsters and attractive ladies at the Central Market location in Mill Creek.

The weekend of November 4-6 proved very successful for our semi-annual “Buddy Poppy” fund raiser. Members of Post 8870 staffed four locations in Edmonds, Mukilteo and Mill Creek and raised over $ 15,000 for our Veterans Relief fund, a new record by around $ 2,000!

As the bar graph below reflects, Central Market in Mukilteo pulled away this time around, handily exceeding the results from both QFC locations, with Fred Meyer in Lynnwood a distant fourth.

We have been experimenting with a Saturday/Sunday session at Central Market and it seems to be paying dividends. Perhaps we will want to consider moving some of our other locations into the weekend market?

For the first time we were able to staff both doors at the Edmonds QFC which resulted in an increase in revenues there. Post 8870 is grateful to all who participated and, of course to our generous citizens of South Snohomish County. Chaplain Fred Apgar and his Relief Committee will no doubt be able to find good uses for those funds!

Veterans Day Poppy Distribution Yields Record Revenues

EdCC Veterans Day Event Honors Korean War Vets

Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal

Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal

Six members of Post 8870 were among 23 Korean War veterans honored by Edmonds Community College at their annual Veterans Day celebration November 2. The event filled the college’s Black Box Theater to standing room only.

The highlight of the event was the awarding of the Korean Ambassador for Peace medal to the Korean Veterans present. The medals were presented by the Korean consul general in Seattle, Moon Duk-ho. The proclamation accompanying it reads: “The Republic of Korea thanks these veterans for the service [they] performed in restoring and preserving our freedom and democracy.”

EdCC Veterans Day Event Honors Korean War VetsPost 8870 member Jim Adams, Tom Hallums, Gil Loomis, Paul Poppe, Phil Sacks and Dan White were so honored.

The director of the college’s Veterans Resource Center, Navy retiree Chris Szarek, said, “Our campus chose to honor Korean War veterans as a way of ensuring that the brave men and women who served there know that their service is appreciated and to remind us of an often forgotten conflict.”

Other speakers at the event included state representative Cindy Ryu, who as Shoreline mayor was the first Korean American woman to be mayor of a U.S. city. Lynnwood Mayor Nicola Smith and Edmonds CC President Dr. Jean Hernandez also spoke. Our immediate past commander, Jim Blossey—also a Korean War veteran—was emcee for the program.

Korean War Vets gathered for a group photo following the ceremony. Legion and VFW members were joined by unaffiliated veterans

Korean War Vets gathered for a group photo following the ceremony. Legion and VFW members were joined by unaffiliated veterans

Attention Korean War Veterans: Not included at the EdCC Ceremony?

Korean Ambassador for Peace MedalThe ROK would like to correct that for eligible veterans

At the recent Veteran’s Day ceremony at Edmonds Community College, many Korean War veterans were honored by the Government of South Korea and were presented with medals for their service. Unfortunately, not all Korean War veterans received the medals. Thanks to Post member Jim Adams, Korean officials would like to correct that oversight and honor all those men and women who defended their nation. To be eligible for this recognition, you must prove you served in the combat theater between 25 June 1950 and 27 July 1953. A copy of your DD 214 should suffice, assuming it reflects your service in Korea. Eligible veterans should mail a copy of your DD 214 or other documentation that indicates you served in-country between the listed dates to Fred Apgar at 13816 North Pointe Circle, Mill Creek, WA 98012. A representative from the Korean Government will make a special presentation to eligible Post members at a future meeting.

Veterans Day at our Schools

Post 8870 member Dan White visited classrooms at Odyssey ES

Post 8870 member Dan White visited classrooms at Odyssey ES

Twenty-Six members of Post 8870 participated in Veterans Day school visits this year at all grade levels. Dick Simmons provided the following description of his visit to Sherwood Elementary School, which seems typical of the experience we all had:

“Had a great visit on Thursday the 10th at Sherwood Elementary School located in the Woodway area. An all-school assembly began at 10:50. The students filed in and we began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the acknowledgment of the four Veterans in attendance, including me, a vet from Legion Post 244 someplace back east, and two other vets, one Vietnam and another Korean era.

The assembly included a white table ceremony that was conducted by a teacher and students using a description of the ceremony and its significance that has been described in a children’s book.

After the assembly one of the teachers asked me if I could spend some time visiting with her fifth graders which I did, visiting with two fifth grade classes at the same time. The kids pelted me with questions for an hour or so which I enjoyed answering as best I could until recess and continued to answer questions outside the classroom during recess.

The kids were extremely polite and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience just as I have for the past three years I’ve been attending their Veterans assembly.”

“Thanks for your help in allowing us to truly show kids what it means to serve our country and what Veterans day recognizes.”

Ryan Oxner, Odyssey Elementary Dean of Students


8870 member Jon Koenig speaking at Meadowdale MS with Post Commander Terry Crabtree.

8870 member Jon Koenig speaking at Meadowdale MS with Post Commander Terry Crabtree.

Well Done!

To the following members who participated in Veterans Day School Visits

EdCC — Blossey, Szarek
Alderwood MS — Apgar
Discovery ES — Dentonn
Hazelwood ES — Doyle
Meadowdale ES — Gaul
Seaview ES — Kurfess
Voyager MS — Ward
Meadowdale MS — Crabtree, Koenig, Santopolo
Edmonds‐Woodway HS — Gaul, Mazerolle
Holy Rosary ES — Collins
Picnic Point ES — Traner
Arlington ES — McCann
Odyssey ES — White
Sherwood ES — Simmons
Olympic View MS — Traner
Scriber Lake HS — Blossey, Shelton, Whedon, Russo
Brier Terrace MS — Clyborne, Adams
Fairmount ES — Apgar
Martha Lake ES — Denton
Olivia Park ES — Crabtree, Williams
Mountlake Terrace ES — Kurfess
Edmonds ES — Sacks, Cassutt
College Place ES — Hallums
Brier ES — Apgar
Spruce ES — Edwards


The Story of One Vietnam Veteran

The Story of One Vietnam Veteran – Vincent PhamMany of our Post 8870 members are veterans of the Vietnam War and have compelling stories to tell of their time in country.

This month, thanks to a chance meeting with Jim McCann, Jim Murdock and Phil Sacks at the Lynnwood Fred Meyer while distributing poppies, we bring you the story of another sort of Vietnam veteran, one who was fighting for his own country’s freedom alongside his American comrades. This is the story of Vincent Pham, an American citizen born in Vietnam.

Born Pham Van Ban on February 1, 1949, in Hai Hung, Vietnam, this man’s life has taken him from studies in law as a young man through a military career amidst a war and again into the realm of advanced studies.

After graduating from the University of Vietnam Law School in 1970, he started a military career, first serving as an interpreter for US troops based in Long Binh. Later that year he began Air Force Cadet training and was sent to the United States for flight training. Beginning in July 1974, he served as a fighter pilot in the 4th Air Force Div., Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF).

Downed in combat and captured, First Lieutenant Ban was sent to prison in Kien Giang on May 2, 1975. He suffered many hardships during seven years in prison camps in Vietnam. On May 2, 1982, exactly seven years after the day of his capture, he escaped from Vietnam. He and his family fled by boat to a refugee camp in Thailand. During their escape from Vietnam, his twelve year old son was caught and imprisoned.

Between 1982 and 1984, he worked with the United Nations’ Save The Children Foundation in Indonesia. On August 10, 1984, Pham Van Ban and his family came to the United States and settled in Everett, Washington. Pham changed his name to Vincent Pham when he became a United States citizen in 1993.

In the summer 1994, Vincent Pham entered Everett Community College and received an Associate of Sciences Degree in Political Science. He has since continued his education at WWU and UW in political science.

Vincent volunteers with the Red Cross. His volunteer efforts are centered on disaster preparedness for the Vietnamese community in Snohomish County. He has translated into Vietnamese and presented Red Cross materials to more than 100 fellow citizens.

From the November Post Meeting

At our regular monthly meeting on November 15, in addition to routine Post business, Commander Terry Crabree presented Michael Reagan’s portrait of Wesley Fisk to his daughter and Gill Loomis displays the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal he received, along with the citation document, at the November 2 event at Edmonds Community College.

At our regular monthly meeting on November 15, in addition to routine Post business, Commander Terry Crabree presented Michael Reagan’s portrait of Wesley Fisk to his daughter Gill Loomis displays the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal he received, along with the citation document, at the November 2 event at Edmonds Community College